(Updated June, 2000)
ANDREW, Caroline, et al. Dislocation et permanence : l'invention du Canada au quotidien. Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1999, 355 p.
ANGUS, Ian H. A Border Within: National Identity, Cultural Plurality, and Wilderness. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997, 268 p.
BAKVIS, Herman. Regional Ministers: Power and Influence in the Canadian Cabinet. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991, 378 p.
BANTING, Keith, George HOBERG and Richard SIMEON, eds. Degrees of Freedom: Canada and the United States in a Changing World. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997, 493 p.
BANTING, Keith, Douglas M. BROWN and Thomas J. COURCHENE. The Future of Fiscal Federalism. Kingston: School of Policy Studies, 1994, 368 p.
BATTLE, Ken and Sherri TORJMAN. Ottawa Should Help Build a National Early Childhood Development System. Ottawa: Caledon Institute, February 2000, 13 p.
BERNIER, Robert, Vincent LEMIEUX and Maurice PINARD. Un combat inachevé. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1997, 368 p.
BICKERTON, James P. and Alain-G. GAGNON, eds. Canadian Politics. 2nd ed. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1994, 608 p.
BICKERTON, James P., Alain-G. GAGNON and Patrick J. SMITH. Ties That Bind: Parties and Voters in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1999, 251 p.
BOADWAY, Robin. The Folly of Decentralizing the Canadian Federation. 1996.
BOADWAY, Robin and Paul HOBSON. Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1993.
BOOTH, Paul. Finding a Balance: Renewing Canadian Fiscal Federalism. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1998, 64 p.
BOTHWELL, Robert. Canada and Quebec: One Country, Two Histories. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1998, 296 p.
BOURASSA, Robert. Gouverner le Québec. Quebec City: Fides, 1995, 305 p.
BOURQUE, Gilles and Jules DUCHASTEL. L'identité fragmentée : nation et citoyenneté dans les débats constitutionnels canadiens, 1941-1992. Quebec City: Fides, 1996, 383 p.
BRETON, Albert. Supplementary Statement, in Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, Final Report, Volume 3. Ottawa: 1985.
BURELLE, André. Le mal canadien : essai de diagnostic et esquisse d'une thérapie. Quebec City: Fides, 1995, 239 p.
BURGESS, Michael and Alain-C. GAGNON. Comparative Federalism and Federation: Competing Traditions and Future Directions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993, 250 p.
CAIRNS, Alan C. Charter Versus Federalism: The Dilemmas of Constitutional Reform. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992, 150 p.
CAIRNS, Alan C. Citizens Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000, 284 p.
CAIRNS, Alan et al., eds. Citizenship, Diversity and Pluralism: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999.
CAIRNS, Alan C. Reconfigurations: Canadian Citizenship and Constitutional Change: Selected Essays. Edited by Douglas C. Williams. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1995, 431 p.
CAMERON, David. The Referendum Papers: Essays on Secession and National Unity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999, 428 p.
CAMERON, Kirk and Graham WHITE. Northern Governments in Transition: Political and Constitutional Development in the Yukon, Nunavut and the Western Northwest Territories. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1995, 151 p.
CANADA WATCH. "Special Issue: The Quebec Separation Reference," vol. 5, no. 6, October 1997.
CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH INFORMATION. Health Care in Canada: A First Annual Report. Ottawa: CIHI, 2000.
CARENS, Joseph, ed. Is Quebec Nationalism Just? Perspectives from Anglophone Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995, 225 p.
CHOICE. "Courts and Legislatures," Institute for Research on Public Policy, vol. 5, nos. 1, 2 and 3 (June 1999).
CLARK, Bruce A. Native Liberty, Crown Sovereignty: The Existing Aboriginal Right of Self-Government in Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990, 259 p.
CLOUTIER, Édouard, Jean G. GUAY and Daniel LATOUCHE. Le virage : l'évolution de l'opinion publique au Québec depuis 1960 ou comment le Québec est devenu souverainiste. Montreal: Québec-Amérique, 1992, 181 p.
CÔTÉ, Marcel and David JOHNSTON. If Quebec Goes ... : The Real Cost of Separation. Toronto: Stoddart, 1995, 237 p.
CÔTÉ, Marcel. Le rêve de la terre promise : les coûts de la rupture. Montreal: Stanké, 1995, 259 p.
COURCHENE, Thomas J. Celebrating Flexibility: An Interpretive Essay on the Evolution of Canadian Federalism. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1995, 75 p.
COURCHENE, Thomas J. Social Canada in the Millennium: Reform Imperatives and Restructuring Principles. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1994, 368 p.
COURCHENE, Thomas J. and Colin R. TELMER. From Heartland to North American Region State: The Social, Fiscal and Federal Evolution of Ontario: An Interpretive Essay. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998, 311 p.
DELACOURT, Susan. United We Fall: The Crisis of Democracy in Canada. Toronto: Viking, 1993, 458 p.
DERRIENNIC, Jean-Pierre. Nationalisme et démocratie : réflexion sur les illusions des indépendantistes québécois. Montreal: Boréal, 1995, 144 p.
DION, Léon. Le duel constitutionnel Québec-Canada. Montreal: Boréal, 1995, 378 p.
DION, Léon. Nationalismes et politique au Québec. Montreal: Hurtubise HMH, 1975, 177 p.
DION, Léon. La révolution déroutée, 1960-1976. Montreal: Boréal, 1998, 324 p.
DION, Stéphane. Straight Talk: Speeches And Writings On Canadian Unity. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999, 254 p.
DRACHE, Daniel and Roberto PERIN. Negotiating with a Sovereign Quebec. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1992, 296 p.
DUFOUR, Christian. Le défi québécois : essai. Montreal: Hexagone, 1989, 176 p.
DUFOUR, Christian. A Canadian Challenge. Lantzville, British Columbia: Oolichan Books, with the Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1990, 173 p.
DUNN, Christopher J.C. Canadian Political Debates: Opposing Views on Issues That Divide Canadians. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 1995, 388 p.
GIBBINS, Roger and Sonia ARRISON. Western Visions: Perspectives on the West in Canada. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1995, 153 p.
GIBBINS, Roger and Katherine HARMSWORTH. Time Out: Assessing Incremental Strategies for Enhancing the Canadian Political Union. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1997, 28 p.
GIBBINS, Roger and Guy LAFOREST, eds. Beyond the Impasse: Toward Reconciliation. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1998, 446 p.
GIBBINS, Roger, James M. PITSULA and Peter H. RUSSELL. New Perspectives on the Canadian Constitutional Debate. Regina: Canadian Plains Research, 1997, 57 p.
GIBSON, Gordon. Thirty Million Musketeers: One Canada, for All Canadians. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1995, 242 p.
GLOBE. Les enjeux de la coexistence linguistique, vol. 2, no. 2, 1999, 186 p.
GRANT, George. Lament for a Nation: the Defeat of Canadian Nationalism. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1989, 118 p.
GREENE, Ian. The Charter of Rights. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1989, 258 p.
HARRISON, Kathryn. Passing the Buck: Federalism and Canadian Environmental Policy. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1996, 238 p.
HEARD, Andrew David. Canadian Constitutional Conventions: The Marriage of Law and Politics. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991, 189 p.
HELLIWELL, John. How Much Do National Borders Matter? Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1998, 155 p.
HIEBERT, Janet L. Limiting Rights: The Dilemma of Judicial Review. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996, 188 p.
HOGG, Peter W. Constitutional Law of Canada. Toronto: Carswell, 1999, 988 p.
HOWSE, Robert. Securing the Canadian Economic Union: Legal and Constitutional Options for the Federal Government. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1996, 18 p.
HURLEY, James Ross. Amending Canada's Constitution: History, Processes, Problems and Prospects. Hull: Canada Communication Group Publishing, 1996, 297 p.
HURLEY, James Ross. "Executive Federalism," in Jacques Bourgault et al., Public Administration and Public Management: Experiences in Canada. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Les publications du Québec, 1997, p. 113-123.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES. "The Charter, Federalism and the Constitution," 7-8, Spring-Fall 1993, 357 p.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES. "Citizenship and Rights," 14, Fall 1996, 288 p.
JEDWAB, Jack. Ethnic Identification and Heritage Languages in Canada. Montreal: Éditions Images, 1999, 163 p.
JENSON, Jane and Sharron STROICK. What Is the Best Policy Mix for Canada's Young Children? Ottawa: CPRN Study No. F109, 2000, 150 p.
JOHNSTON, Richard et al. The Challenge of Direct Democracy: The 1992 Candadian Referendum. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996, 338 p.
KEATING, Michael. Les défis du nationalisme moderne : Québec, Catalogne, Écosse. Montreal: Presses de l'Université de Montreal: 1997, 296 p.
KEATING, Michael. Nations Against The State: The New Politics Of Nationalism in Quebec, Catalonia and Scotland. Macmillan, 1996, 260 p.
KNOP, Karen, Sylvia OSTRY, Richard SIMEON and Katherine SWINTON. Rethinking Federalism: Citizens, Markets And Governments In a Changing World. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995, 356 p.
KNOPFF, Rainer and F.L. MORTON. Charter Politics. Scarborough, Ontario: Nelson, 1991, 449 p.
KNOPFF, Rainer and F.L. MORTON, eds. The Charter Revolution and the Court Party. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2000.
KYMLICKA, Will. Finding Our Way: Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations In Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998, 220 p.
KYMLICKA, Will and Wayne NORMAN, eds. Citizenship in Diverse Societies. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2000.
LACHAPELLE, Guy, Pierre P. TREMBLAY and John E. TRENT, eds. L'impact référendaire : en quoi la science politique peut-elle aider à la compréhension des enjeux. Sainte-Foy: Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1995, 409 p.
LAFOREST, Guy. Trudeau and the End of a Canadian Dream. Trans. by Paul Leduc Browne and Michelle Weinroth. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995, 217 p.
LAPIERRE, André, Pat SMART and Pierre SAVARD, eds. Language, Culture and Values in Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Ottawa: ICCS-CIEC and Carleton University Press, 1996, 358 p.
LASELVA, Samuel V. The Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism: Paradoxes, Achievements, and Tragedies of Nationhood. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996, 264 p.
LATOUCHE, Daniel. Plaidoyer pour le Québec. Montreal: Boréal, 1994, 244 p.
LAYCOCK, David H. Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, 1910 to 1945. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, 369 p.
LAZAR, Harvey. Canada: The State of the Federation 1997: Non-Constitutional Renewal. Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997.
LAZAR, Harvey and Tom MacINTOSH. Canada: The State of the Federation 1998/1999, Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University, 1999, 300 p.
LENIHAN, Donald G., Gordon ROBERTSON and Roger TASSÉ. Canada: Reclaiming the Middle Ground. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1994, 161 p.
LISÉE, Jean-François. Sortie de secours : comment échapper au déclin du Québec. Montreal: Éditions du Boréal, 2000, 430 p.
MacMILLAN, C. Michael. The Practice of Language Rights in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998, 263 p.
MANDEL, Michael. The Charter of Rights and the Legalization of Politics in Canada. Toronto: Thompson Educational Pub., 1994, 542 p.
McROBERTS, Kenneth. Misconceiving Canada: The Struggle for National Unity. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1997, 395 p.
MEISEL, John, Guy ROCHER and Arthur SILVER, eds. As I recall, Si je me souviens bien: Historical Perspectives. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1999, 450 p.
McROBERTS, Kenneth. Un pays à refaire : l'échec des politiques constitutionnelles canadiennes. Trans. by Christiane Teasdale. Montreal: Boréal, 1999, 483 p.
MELLON, H. and M.W. WESMACOTT. Challenges to Canadian Federalism. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
MONAHAN, Patrick J. Constitutional Law. Concord, Ontario: Irwin Law, 1997, 492 p.
NEVITTE, Neil et al. Unsteady State: The 1997 Federal Election. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press, 1999, 182 p.
OLLING, R.D. and M.W. WESMACOTT. Perspectives on Canadian Federalism. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1988, 423 p.
PETTIGREW, Pierre S. Pour une politique de la confiance. Montreal: Boréal, 1999, 259 p.
POLICY OPTIONS. "Forum on the Social Union: Staking out the Future of Federalism," vol. 19, no. 9 (November 1998), 60 p.
POLICY OPTIONS. Vol. 21, no. 1, (Jan-Feb 2000), 116 p.
POSCHMANN, Finn, William B.P. ROBSON and Daniel SCHWANEN. Who Gets What? The 1999 Federal Budget and the CHST. Toronto: C.D. Howe, 1999, 6 p.
RAE, Bob. The Three Questions: Prosperity and the Public Good. Toronto: Viking, 1998, 209 p.
RIOUX, Marcel. Quebec in Question. Rev. ed. Trans. by James Boake. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1978, 209 p.
ROCHER, François and Miriam SMITH. New Trends In Canadian Federalism. Peterborough, Broadview, 1995, 440 p.
ROMANOW, Roy, John WHYTE and Howard LEESON. Canada Notwithstanding: The Making of the Constitution, 1976-1982. Toronto: Carswell/Methuen, 1984, 286 p.
RUSSELL, Peter H. Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Become a Sovereign People? Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993, 317 p.
RUSSELL, Peter H. The Judiciary in Canada: The Third Branch of Government. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1987, 388 p.
RYAN, Claude. Regards sur le fédéralisme canadien. Montreal: Boréal, 1995.
SEIDLE, F. Leslie, ed. Seeking a New Canadian Partnership: Asymmetrical and Confederal Systems. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1994, 231 p.
SEIDLE, F. Leslie and L. MASSICOTTE, eds. Taking Stock of 150 Years of Responsible Government in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Study of Parliament Group, 1999, 137 p.
SEYMOUR, Michel. Nationalité, citoyenneté et solidarité. Liber, 1999.
SILVER, Arthur I. The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982, 257 p.
SIMEON, Richard and Ian ROBINSON. State, Society and the Development of Canadian Federalism. (Collected research studies, 71) Toronto: University of Toronto Press in cooperation with the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, 1990, 381 p
SMILEY, Donald V. and Ronald L. WATTS. Intrastate Federalism in Canada. (Collected research studies, 39) Toronto: University of Toronto Press in cooperation with the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada, 1985, 170 p.
SMITH, David E. The Republican Option in Canada, Past and Present. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999, 352 p.
STRAYER, Barry L. The Canadian Constitution and the Courts: The Function and Scope of Judicial Review. Toronto: Butterworths, 1988, 352 p.
TAYLOR, Charles. Reconciling the Solitudes: Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993, 208 p.
TENNANT, Paul. Aboriginal People and Politics: The Indian Land Question in British Columbia, 1849-1989. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990, 305 p.
TOMBLIN, Stephen G. Ottawa and the Outer Provinces: The Challenge of Regional Integration in Canada. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1995, 214 p.
TRENT, John E., Robert YOUNG and Guy LACHAPELLE, eds. Québec-Canada: What Is the Path Ahead?. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press,1996, 363 p.
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott. The Essential Trudeau. Edited by Ron Graham. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1998, 198 p.
TULLY, James. Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
TUOHY, Carolyn J. Policy and Politics in Canada: Institutionalized Ambivalence. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992, 397 p.
VENNE, Michel, ed. Penser la nation québécoise. Montreal: Québec Amérique, 2000, 309 p.
VERNEY, Douglas. Three Civilizations, Two Cultures, One State: Canada's Political Traditions. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1986, 454 p.
WATTS, Ronald L. and Douglas M. BROWN, eds. Options for a New Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press in association with the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University and the Business Council on National Issues, 1991, 341 p.
WATTS, Ronald L. Comparing Federal Systems in the 1990s. Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University, 1999, 126 p.
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WEAVER, R. Kent, ed. The Collapse of Canada ? Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1992, 186 p.
WEBBER, Jeremy H.A. Reimagining Canada: Language, Culture, Community and the Canadian Constitution. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994, 373 p.
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YOUNG, Robert Andrew. The Struggle for Quebec: From Referendum to Referendum. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999, 203 p.
YOUNG, Robert Andrew, ed. Stretching the Federation: The Art of the State in Canada. Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Affairs, 1999, 250 p.
Social Union Framework Agreement (SUFA): (after signing on February 14, 1999)
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CASTONGUAY, Claude. "Union sociale : un déblocage majeur," La Presse, February 10, 1999, p. B3.
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NOËL, Alain. Without Quebec: Collaborative Federalism with a Footnote. IRPP Working Paper, vol. 1, no. 2 (March 2000), 20 p.
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ROBSON, William B.P. and Daniel SCHWANEN. "The Social Union Agreement: Too Flawed to Last," C.D. Howe Institute Backgrounder (February 8, 1999), 5 p.
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RYAN, Claude. "The Agreement on the Canadian Social Union as Seen by a Quebec Federalist," Inroads, no. 8, 1999, p. 25-41.
SCHWANEN, Daniel. More than the Sum of Our Parts: Improving the Mechanisms of Canada's Social Union. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1999, 36 p.
Supreme Court Reference Re Quebec Secession:
BEAUDOIN, Gérald-A. "Il serait difficile de mettre en oeuvre la sécession avec un OUI faible," La Presse, October 16, 1998, p. B3.
CAIRNS, Alan C. "The Supreme Court, the UDI Reference and Democracy," Policy Options, vol. 19, no. 7 (September 1998), pp. 45-48.
CAMERON, David. "The Court's Supreme Wisdom," Ottawa Citizen, August 25, 1998, p. A1.
CANADA WATCH. "Special Double Issue on the Quebec Secession Reference," vol. 7, nos. 1-2 (January-February 1999), 44 p.
CONSTITUTIONAL FORUM. "The Quebec Secession Reference," vol. 10, no. 1 (Fall1998), 30 p.
DÉPELTEAU, François. "Une victoire pour le contre-mouvement partitioniste," Le Devoir, September 30, 1998, p. A7.
DERRIENNIC, Jean-Pierre. "Comment savoir si une question est claire," Le Devoir, September 8, 1998, p. A8.
DODGE, William D. "Succeeding in Seceding? Internationalizing the Quebec Secession Reference under NAFTA," Texas International Law Journal, Spring 1999.
EMERY, George. "Cour suprême : sachons tirer de l'histoire les leçons qui s'imposent," La Presse, September 16, 1998, p. B3.
GROUPE DES CENT. "L'erre d'aller d'un passé révolu," La Presse, October 22, 1998, p. B3.
LAFOREST, Guy. "La Cour suprême et la sécession du Québec," La Presse, November 6 1998, p. B3. (In response to an article by the Groupe des Cent.)
LAJOIE, Andrée. "L'avis de la Cour suprême dans le renvoi relatif à la sécession du Québec : le plus haut tribunal du pays a avant tout cherché à conforter l'État canadien et à y assurer sa propre légitimité," Le Devoir, October 9, 1998, p. A7.
LEBEL, Michel. "Deux erreurs importantes : en droit constitutionnel canadien, il n'existe pas de règle juridique au sujet de la majorité requise lors d'un référendum," La Presse, October 30, 1998, p. B3.
McROBERTS, Kenneth. "The Supreme Court's Ruling: Putting Things Straight," The Globe and Mail, August 21, 1998, p. A23.
MONAHAN, Patrick. Doing the Rules: An Assesment of the Federal Clarity Act in Light of the Quebec Secession Reference. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 2000, 39 p.
MORIN, Jacques-Yvan. "Une souveraineté systématiquement entravée en pratique," Le Devoir, September 1, 1998, p. A7.
MORISSETTE, Yves-Marie. "The Rule of Law and the Sovereignty / Secession of Quebec," The Council for Canadian Unity, 1998.
NEWMAN, Warren J. The Quebec Secession Reference: The Rule of Law and the Position of the Attorney General of Canada. Toronto: York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, 1999, 99 p.
RAYFUSE, Rosemary. "Reference re Secession of Quebec from Canada: Breaking Up is Hard to Do," University of New South Wales Law Journal, vol. 21, no. 3 (1998), p. 834-844.
RUSSELL, Peter H. "La décision de la Cour suprême : une leçon en démocratie," Cité Libre, vol XXVI, no. 4 (October/November 1998), pp. 31-37.
RYAN, Claude. Consequences of the Quebec Secession Reference - The Clarity Bill and Beyond. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 2000, 33 p.
RYAN, Claude. "What if Quebeckers Voted Clearly for Secession?," The Globe and Mail, August 27, 1998, p. A2.
SCHNEIDERMAN, David. The Quebec Decision: Perspectives On The Supreme Court Ruling On Secession. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1999, 167 p.
USHER, Dan. "Profundity Rampant: Secession and the Court, II," Policy Options, vol. 20, no. 8 (September 1999), pp. 44-49.
USHER, Dan. "The New Constitutional Duty to Negotiate," Policy Options, vol. 20, no.1 (January/February 1999), pp. 41-44.
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WALTERS, Mark D. "Nationalism and the Pathology of Legal Systems: Considering the Quebec Secession Reference and its Lesson for the United Kingdom," The Modern Law Review, vol. 62, no. 3 (May 1999), pp. 371-396.
WOEHRLING, José. "La Cour suprême a-t-elle voulu se 'racheter' pour son attitude de 1982?," La Presse, October 9, 1998, p. B3.
(Bibliography prepared by Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office)