November 3, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario
Enclosed is the text of a letter sent today by Prime Minister
Jean Chrétien to the Honourable Patrick G. Binns, Chair of Premiers.
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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555
Dear Premier Binns:
This is in response to your letter of October 24, 2003, on
behalf of premiers and territorial leaders, in which you refer to premiers'
discussions on health care, reaffirm support for the Health Council, and ask for
early confirmation of an additional $2 billion to the provinces and territories.
On February 5, 2003, we as First Ministers renewed our
collective commitment to work together, with Canadians, and with health care
providers in shaping the future of our public health care system. We agreed that
all Canadians must have timely access to quality health services based on need,
not ability to pay.
For its part, the Government of Canada has followed through on
its promise to invest $34.8 billion over five years to support essential
reforms, including $16.5 billion dedicated to assist provinces and territories
to achieve objectives in each of the three priority areas: home care; primary
care reform; and catastrophic drug coverage. We committed to Canadians to work
together to ensure that their health care system is efficient, responsive and
adapts to their changing needs now and in the future. The establishment of the
Health Council is key to involving Canadians in the implementation of the
Accord. It is our collective responsibility to implement our agreed plan of
action and achieve these results for Canadians.
Today, the Economic and Fiscal Update being delivered by the
Honourable John Manley, Minister of Finance, outlines the more constrained
fiscal situation of the federal government associated with the
weaker-than-expected economy, and our support for sectors so adversely affected
by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, a single isolated case of Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy, and natural disasters. The budget surplus is now
forecast to be $2.3 billion in 2003-04, down from the $4 billion surplus
anticipated in the February 2003 Budget. The Update also reaffirms the
Government's commitment to the sound management of Canada's finances through the
achievement of a balanced budget, expenditure control, and a continuing
reduction in the ratio of debt-to-GDP.
You will recall that as part of the 2003 First Ministers'
Accord on Health Care Renewal, the Government of Canada committed to put up to
$2 billion more into health for the provinces and territories, if there was a
sufficient surplus above the $3 billion contingency reserve this fiscal year.
However, as the Economic and Fiscal Update details, the forecast surplus is
below the threshold outlined in the Accord.
In the spirit of mutual trust and collaboration, and to ensure
the successful implementation of all aspects of the Accord for Canadians, the
Government of Canada is now prepared to provide up to the first $2 billion of
any federal surplus this fiscal year for health care spending when the federal
government closes the books. This is possible because we were able to pay down
far more debt in the last fiscal year than originally projected.
I welcome the engagement of all premiers and territorial
leaders on agreed health care reforms and encourage your future efforts in the
interests of all Canadians. I am forwarding our exchange of correspondence to
the premiers and territorial leaders.
Yours sincerely, [Original signed by the Right Honourable Jean