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July 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced that he will attend this year’s Group of Eight (G-8) Economic Summit in Okinawa Japan, July 21 -23, as well as a pre-summit meeting in Tokyo on July 20 organized by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori with leaders from the developing world and heads of international organizations.

One focus of this year’s Summit will be the challenges facing developing countries, including poverty reduction, debt relief, combatting infectious diseases, the benefits and impact of information and communications technologies, and regional or civil conflicts.

"Canada’s record of achievement in these areas is very positive. We have been among the leading proponents of debt relief, we are pursuing an international strategy to fight HIV/AIDS, and our technological expertise has made us one of the world’s most connected populations," said the Prime Minister. "In Okinawa, we will examine ways to enhance these initiatives and make them available to more developing countries."

The G-8 leaders will also review global economic trends, the international financial architecture, the prospect for trade negotiations, cultural diversity, ageing, food safety and biotechnology, crime and drugs and environmental issues.

The gathering in Okinawa marks the 25th anniversary of the Summit process. Canada has participated in the annual economic Summit since 1976.

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