By-election Results Welcomed
March 25, 1996
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien tonight thanked Canadians
in Newfoundland, Quebec and Ontario for their strong vote of confidence
by electing five Liberal MPs in federal by-elections.
"By-elections are traditionally very difficult tests for
governments," said the Prime Minister. "The strong
vote of support that we have received from Canadians tonight,
halfway through our mandate, is a vote of confidence in the Government's
performance and its approach to the issues facing Canadians.
We will do everything we can to continue earning that trust and
confidence throughout the remainder of our mandate."
The Prime Minister welcomed five new Members of Parliament to
the Government Caucus: Gerald Byrne, Roy Cullen, Stéphane
Dion, Lawrence O'Brien and Pierre Pettigrew. He also welcomed
the new MP for Lac-Saint-Jean, Stéphan Tremblay. And he
congratulated all those who ran as candidates in the federal by-elections.
"Running for public office is the highest calling in a democracy.
I salute all those -- from all parties -- who had the courage
and conviction to stand before their fellow citizens."
PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555