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Canada Launches "Smart Communities" Initiative

June 8, 1998
Regina, Saskatchewan

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the creation of a blue ribbon panel to provide expert advice on how Canadian communities can take full advantage of information technologies.

The Prime Minister made the announcement in a speech to the Federation of Canadian Municipalites in Regina, where he outlined the government's Connecting Canadians strategy of linking Canadians to the information highway.

"Communities around the world are discovering new 'smart' ways of utilizing the Information Highway for economic development," said Mr. Chrétien. "Communities -- and countries -- that are able to take advantage of this technology will be the ones to create jobs and growth in the information economy of tomorrow."

Called "Smart Communities," they use information technology in new and innovative ways to enhance their economic, social and cultural development. Smart Communities also utilize information technology to empower their residents and institutions to achieve better health care delivery, better education and training, and better business growth.

The Prime Minister also announced that the panel will be chaired by Mr. David Johnston. Mr. Johnston noted that Canada is already one of the most connected countries in the world and in an ideal position to take the lead internationally and develop a network of our own Smart Communities from coast to coast.

The panel's mandate is to provide John Manley, Minister of Industry, with expert, non-partisan advice on Canada's participation in the international Smart Communities movement.

The panel will be composed of members who are nationally recognized in associated Smart fields such as telecommunications, health care, education, natural resources, on-line government services, small business and municipal government.

The panel will be asked to address a number of key questions, including:

  • What is required to move Canada into a leadership position on Smart Communities internationally?
  • If Canada is to be a leader, what should our objectives be?
  • What should be the role of the main partners and what type of support should they provide to participating communities?

    The panel will report back to the Minister of Industry this Fall of 1998.

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    PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

    Elinor Bradley
    Information Technologies Applications Branch
    (613) 998-0942

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