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Prime Minister Reacts to Air Strikes Against Iraq

December 16, 1998
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today expressed support for U.S./U.K. military action against Iraq:

"Saddam Hussein has brought this crisis on himself by following a deliberate strategy, at great cost to his country, of obstructing the work of United Nations weapons inspectors in order to maintain the basis of a 'weapons of mass destruction' program.

Canada had hoped that Iraq would live up to its commitments to cooperate with UN inspectors, as it promised to do last month. Unfortunately, as UNSCOM's report to the Security Council on December 15 stated, 'Iraq's conduct ensured that no progress was able to be made in either the fields of disarmament or accounting for its prohibited weapons programs.' It is regrettable that Iraq chose not to live up to its commitments."

The Prime Minister added that Canada will continue to support UN and international humanitarian efforts, such as the Oil for Food program, to help alleviate the hardships of the Iraqi people.

Canadian embassies in the region have been instructed to take appropriate measures to ensure that Canadians are provided with guidance necessary to safeguard their security.

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