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Prime Minister Announces Changes in the Senior Ranks in the Public Service

October 8, 1999
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the following changes in the Public Service:

Jean McCloskey, currently Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, becomes Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office, prior to her undertaking an international assignment. This appointment is effective October 18, 1999.

Dr. Peter Harrison, currently Head, The Leadership Network, becomes Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, effective October 18, 1999.

Mary Gusella, currently Commissioner of the Public Service Commission, becomes Head, The Leadership Network, effective October 18, 1999.

Dr. Len Good, currently Deputy Minister of the Environment, becomes President of the Canadian International Development Agency. He succeeds HuguetteLabelle who will be retiring from the public service on October25,1999, after a distinguished career of more than 25 years of service. This appointment is effective October26,1999.

Alan Nymark, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Health, becomes Deputy Minister of the Environment, effective October 26, 1999.

Marie Fortier, currently Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Consultation Branch, Health Canada, becomes Associate Deputy Minister of Health, effective October 26, 1999.

The Prime Minister took this opportunity to thank Huguette Labelle for her dedication and excellent service over the years, most recently as President of the Canadian International Development Agency, and to wish her a rewarding retirement.

Biographical notes attached.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555



  • B.A., University of Ottawa, 1967
  • Professional Experience:

    May 1994 to Present Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada

    1993 - 1994 Associate Deputy Minister of Finance

    1991 - 1993 President, Investment Canada

    1987 - 1991 Assistant Deputy Minister, Asia and Pacific Branch, Department of External Affairs

    1983 - 1987 Director General, Asia Pacific Bureau, Department of External Affairs

    1982 - 1983 Assistant Under-Secretary, Trade Development, Asia Pacific, Department of External Affairs

    1968 - 1982 Various positions, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce

    1967 - 1968 Administrative Trainee, Public Service Commission


    Born: March 1947


  • B.A. (First Class Honours), Geography, London School of Economics (London, England)
  • M.A., Geography, University of Victoria (British Columbia)
  • Ph.D., Geography, University of Washington (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A)
  • Professional Experience:

    June 1998 to Present Head, The Leadership Network

    December 1995 - June 1998 Associate Deputy Minister of Human Resources Development and Vice-Chairperson of the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (On assignment as Head of the La Relève Task Force from January 1997 until June 1998)

    April 1993 - December 1995 Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources, Revenue Canada

    April 1991 - April 1993 Deputy Principal, Canadian Centre for Management Development

    August 1989 - April 1991 Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Priorities and Planning, Privy Council Office

    December 1987 - August 1989 Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

    September 1986 - December 1987 General Director, Economic Development Policy Branch, Department of Finance

    April 1984 - September 1986 Director, Social Policy Division, Department of Finance

    June 1981 - April 1984 Assistant Director, Minerals, Northern Development and Special Projects, Department of Finance

    1973 - 1981 Assistant, then Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Ottawa

    1970 - 1973 Research Associate, Department of Economics, University of Washington


    Born: November 1948


  • B.A., French and Political Science, University of Toronto
  • LL.B., Common Law, University of Ottawa
  • Certificate - Canadian Securities Institute
  • Member of the Bar of Ontario
  • Professional Experience:

    July 1995 to Present Commissioner of the Public Service Commission

    June 1993 - July 1995 President of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

    1991 - 1993 Deputy Minister, Department of Multiculturalism and Citizenship

    1990 - 1991 Associate Under Secretary of State, Department of the Secretary of State

    1986 - 1990 Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Communications), Privy Council Office

    1982 - 1986 Director, 6/5 Operations, Department of Finance, then Team Leader, Crown Corporations Legislation Working Group, and then Director of Information and Systems, Crown Corporations Directorate, Treasury Board/Finance

    1980 - 1982 Board Secretary and Director of Administration, Energy Supplies Allocation Board, and then Director, Special Projects, Canada Oil & Gas Lands Administration, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources

    1976 - 1980 Executive Assistant to the Director, Office of Native Claims, and then Senior Land Claims Negotiator, Western Arctic Region, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

    1972 - 1976 Policy Analyst, Personnel Policy Branch, Treasury Board Secretariat, then Director, International Women's Year Secretariat, Privy Council Office

    1971 - 1972 Marketing and New Product Development Officer, Post Office Department


    Born: June 1944


  • B.A., Economics, University of Toronto
  • M.A., Economics, University of Toronto
  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Western Ontario
  • Professional Experience:

    September 1998 to Present Deputy Minister of the Environment

    June 1993 - September 1998 Special Advisor to the Minister of Finance (Canadian Executive Director at the World Bank Group from November 1994 to September 1998)

    1989 - 1993 Deputy Minister of the Environment

    1987 - 1989 Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Plans), Privy Council Office

    1986-1987 Associate Deputy Minister, Energy, Mines and Resources

    1985 - 1986 Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Energy Sector, Energy, Mines and Resources

    1983 - 1985 Assistant Deputy Minister, Energy Policy Analysis Sector, Energy, Mines and Resources

    1978 - 1983 Director General, Energy, Mines and Resources

    1976 - 1978 Group Chief, Long Range and Structural Analysis, Department of Finance

    1973-1976 Policy Analyst and then Senior Policy Analyst, Treasury Board Secretariat

    1968-1973 Lecturer, University of Prince Edward Island and then Instructor, University of Western Ontario


    Born: July 1948


  • B.A., Liberal Arts and Sciences, Queen's University
  • M.A., Economics, Queen's University
  • Post-graduate studies, Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Professional Experience:

    September 1996 to Present Associate Deputy Minister of Health

    August 1993 - September 1996 Assistant Deputy Minister, Industry and Science Policy, Industry Canada

    May 1989 - July 1993 Executive Vice-President, Investment Canada and Assistant Chief Negotiator, North American Free Trade Agreement

    December 1985 - May 1989 Assistant Chief Negotiator, Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, Trade Negotiations Office

    February 1983 - December 1985 Director of Policy, Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada

    January 1981 - February 1983 Assistant Secretary to Cabinet, Economic Policy and Programs, then Deputy Secretary, Federal-Provincial Relations Office

    September 1979 - December 1980 Executive Interchange with the Royal Bank of Canada

    July 1976 - September 1979 Economic Policy Secretariat, Privy Council Office

    1974 - 1976 Technical Assistant to the Executive Director for Canada, International Monetary Fund

    1972 - 1974 Group Leader, International Economic Relations, Tariffs, Trade and Aid Branch, Department of Finance

    1970 - 1971 Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario


    Born: November 1947

    Education :

  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of Ottawa
  • Master's in Health Administration, University of Ottawa
  • Professional Experience

    November 1998 to Present Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, appointed Assistant Deputy Minister in April 1999, Policy and Consultation Branch, Health Canada

    1997 - 1998 Senior Advisor to the Deputy Minister, Health Information Strategy; Assistant Deputy Minister, Home Care Development, Health Canada

    1994 - 1997 Executive Director, Secretariat of the National Forum on Health

    1993 - 1994 Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, appointed Assistant Deputy Minister in August 1993, Medical Services Branch, Health and Welfare Canada

    1991 - 1993 Director General, Health Insurance, Health Services and Promotion Branch, Health and Welfare Canada

    1989 - 1991 Director General, Health Services, Health Services and Promotion Branch, Health and Welfare Canada

    1986 - 1989 Special Projects Coordinator; Director, Hospitals and Health Facilities, Medical Services Branch, Health and Welfare Canada

    1981 - 1986 Executive Director, Centre hospitalier régional de l'Outaouais

    1980 - 1981 Director of planning and coordination, Outaouais Health and Social Services Council

    1971 - 1980 Assistant Director; Assistant Executive Director, Paramedical Services, Ottawa General Hospital

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