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November 4, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and South African President Thabo Mbeki today witnessed the signing of a Joint Declaration of Intent between the Government of Canada and the Government of South Africa that will further strengthen bilateral cooperation and expand dialogue on key bilateral and multilateral issues. Canada and South Africa have also announced their intention to begin discussions on a bilateral air transport agreement.

"The Declaration signed today clearly demonstrates that relations between Canada and South Africa have developed into a strong partnership that encompasses broadly shared values and vision for the future," said the Prime Minister. "It provides a new and focused framework for engagement across a broad range of fields including governance, sustainable development, economic growth and cultural and community ties."

The announcement was made following a meeting between the Canadian Prime Minister and the South African President, on the occasion of President Mbeki’s first State visit to Canada.

Highlights of the Joint Declaration of Intent include:

Upgrading diplomatic representation in Toronto and Cape Town;

Initiating annual consultations on foreign policy and development issues;

Renewing and expanding dialogue on global issues within multilateral fora;

Co-operating closely in support of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD);

Working collaboratively to build capacity in key sectors of governance, including rural development and HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases;

Strengthening partnership on environmental issues, particularly with respect to climate change, sustainable development and desertification;

Working cooperatively in the information and communications technologies sector and the science and technology field;

Accelerating the implementation of a Declaration of Intent on Technical Co-operation in the area of transportation;

Developing a framework for cultural cooperation and promoting cultural diversity multilaterally;

Supporting South Africa’s efforts to strengthen its health system; and,

Working together to help South Africa’s schools, particularly in rural areas, provide computer education and maintain necessary infrastructure.

The full text of the Joint Declaration of Intent on Strengthened Co-operation by Canada and the Republic of South Africa is attached.

Canada and the Republic of South Africa:

Joint Declaration of Intent on Strengthened Co-operation

Recognizing the long history and rich tapestry of our bilateral relationship, the Governments of Canada and South Africa declare our intent to further strengthen cooperation and dialogue. The friendship between our countries is based on broadly shared values, growing trade and investment, tourism and cultural exchanges and increasing government collaboration, both bilaterally and in international fora. This joint declaration provides a new framework for our relationship as principal partners.

Enhancing Governance and Foreign Policy Co-ordination


Recognizing the expansion of our bilateral relations, South Africa intends to open a Consulate General in Toronto, an important financial and commercial centre, while Canada intends to upgrade its Office in Cape Town to a Consulate General, thus enhancing its diplomatic presence in one of South Africa’s largest cities.

Canada and South Africa intend to initiate annual consultations on foreign policy and development issues to bring about increasing cooperation on issues of common interest such as conflict prevention and peacebuilding, human rights and good governance. These consultations are intended to complement our on-going co-operation in the Human Security Network, the Kimberley Process and other diplomatic processes.

Guided by our shared commitment to multilateralism, Canada and South Africa intend to expand our dialogue on global issues within multilateral fora such as the United Nations and the Commonwealth, including through regular consultations between our Permanent Missions to the United Nations.

South Africa and Canada intend to continue to co-operate closely in support of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), recognizing the crucial role that NEPAD stands to play in achieving sustainable development in Africa. As one manifestation of this co-operation, Canadian and South African parliamentarians are to work together within inter-parliamentary bodies to promote NEPAD. Canada will maintain its engagement in support of NEPAD, including through the implementation of the G8 Africa Action Plan and the work of the Canada Fund for Africa.

Advancing human security, human rights and sustainable development

South Africa and Canada intend, through South Africa’s National Treasury and through CIDA, to further develop their collaboration through capacity building in the key sectors of governance, particularly rural development, and HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases, in the context of the revised and updated Country Program Strategy for South Africa being launched by the Canadian International Development Agency.

South Africa and Canada intend to work closely together on human rights issues in line with the aims of the African Union.

Canada and South Africa confirm their commitment to strengthening their partnership on environmental issues especially with respect to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol.

Both governments recognize the need to enhance co-operation on climate change, through policy dialogue, co-operation on capacity building, by seeking expansion of Clean Development Mechanism projects in support of sustainable development in South Africa and by helping South Africa to address its problem of desertification.

Promoting innovation and economic growth

Canada intends to establish in Cape Town the first regional node of the ENABLIS initiative, which provides African entrepreneurs in the information and communications technology sector with seed funding and mentoring. Cape Town was selected in recognition of the high potential of entrepreneurs in southern Africa in general and South Africa in particular.

South Africa and Canada intend to ensure that the benefits of information and communications technologies (ICTs) foster social and economic development throughout Africa. For instance, Connectivity Africa, established by Canada and launched in South Africa in April 2003, will work in partnership with the Economic Commission for Africa to improve access to ICTs by applying Canadian expertise in fields related to education, health, and community development.

Canada and South Africa intend to increase their co-operation in the science and technology field. As a first step, South Africa has agreed to bring a delegation to Canada to discuss potential areas for collaboration in the private, academic and public sectors.

In support of efforts by African Leaders to promote the application of science and technology (S&T) for economic growth and poverty reduction, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is to provide long-term support for science and technology initiatives under NEPAD.

South Africa and Canada intend to accelerate the implementation of the Declaration of Intent on Technical Co-operation between the Department of Transport of Canada and the National Department of Transport of the Republic of South Africa, to ensure the best possible transportation systems for both of our nations.

Strengthening our culture and our communities

Recognizing the importance of nurturing culture in a globalizing world, South Africa and Canada intend to develop a framework for cultural cooperation for 2003-2006.

Canada and South Africa intend to continue to promote cultural diversity on the
international stage, in particular in the pursuit of a standard-setting convention at UNESCO that will ensure the diversity of cultural contents and artistic expressions.

Canada, through IDRC, intends to further support South Africa’s efforts to strengthen its health system, including through enhanced public-private partnerships to improve the quality of care, regulation, access and human resources, including workforce planning and health financing. Research will jointly be undertaken to better understand the impact of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases on health service capacity.

Canada and South Africa intend to continue to work together to ensure that South Africa’s schools, particularly in rural areas, can provide computer education and maintain necessary infrastructure. Through enhanced support from IDRC, African researchers and institutions will study the advantages and pitfalls of using refurbished computers and certain network designs in school networking and establish new e-readiness baselines for schools.

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