Address by Prime
Minister Jean Chrétien on
the occasion of a Special House of Commons Debate in response to the terrorist
attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001
September 17, 2001
Ottawa, Ontario
Mr. Speaker,
I want to thank the Leaders of all the
Parties in the House of Commons, indeed all members, for their cooperation in
organizing this historic debate. In the sad and trying days since the awful news
came from New York and Washington, it has been clear that the civilized nations
of the world have a solemn duty to speak -- as one -- against the scourge of
Under these urgent circumstances,
Canadians will be pleased to see that their elected representatives have come
together, in a spirit of unity and resolve, to make this debate our first order
of business. I look forward to hearing the views of member on the role that
Canada should play in shaping a firm and just global response to an
unprecedented global threat.
Mr. Speaker,
There are those rare occasions when
time seems to stand still. When a singular event transfixes the world. There are
also those terrible occasions when the dark side of human nature escapes
civilized restraint and shows its ugly face to a stunned world.
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 will
forever be etched in memory as a day when time stood still.
Mr. Speaker,
When I saw the scenes of devastation my
first thoughts and words were for all the victims and the American people. But
there are no words, in any language, whose force or eloquence could equal the
quiet testimony last Friday of 100,000 Canadians gathered just a few yards from
here for our National Day of Mourning.
I was proud to be one of them. And I
was equally proud of the Canadians who gathered in ceremonies right across the
It was a sea of sorrow and sympathy for
those who have lost friends and loved ones -- Americans, Canadians, citizens of
many countries. Above all, it was a sea of solidarity with our closest friend
and partner in the world: the United States of America.
Mr. Speaker,
As always, this time of crisis brought
out the very best in our people. From prayer meetings and vigils. To the
countless numbers who lined up to give blood. From a flood of donations by
individuals and businesses. To patience in the face of delays and inconvenience.
And we were all moved by the sight of Canadians opening up their hearts and
their homes to thousands of confused and anxious air travellers who had no place
to go.
When I spoke to President Bush last
week, he asked me to thank the Canadian people. And I would ask all Members to
carry his message back to their constituencies.
Mr. Speaker,
The President also told me that he had
been told many times by his own officials about the tremendous cooperation and
assistance that they were receiving from the agencies and departments of the
Government of Canada. In responding to the immediate emergency of the attack and
in the investigation that will bring to justice those who committed this crime
against humanity.
Indeed, I am proud of the speed and
coordination that has characterized our response:
Assessing and pre-positioning
disaster assistance supplies. So that we could respond in a timely and
effective a manner when called upon;
- Seeing to the safety of stranded
air travellers;
- Working to protect the safety of
- Sharing information with
investigators; and,
- Responding to calls for information
about loved ones.
The relevant Ministers will inform the
House in detail on what their departments have done, and are doing, on behalf of
Canadians. But I want to express my appreciation to our public servants for
their round-the-clock effort.
Mr. Speaker,
The House must also address the threat
that terrorism poses to all civilized peoples and the role that Canada must play
in defeating it.
To understand what is at stake, we need
only reflect on the symbolic meaning of the World Trade Center Towers. In the
words of their architect, the Towers were "a
representation of our belief in humanity, our need for individual dignity, our
belief in cooperation and, through cooperation, our ability to find
So let us be clear: this was not just
an attack on the United States. These cold-blooded killers struck a blow at the
values and beliefs of free and civilized people everywhere.
The world has been attacked. The world
must respond. Because we are at war against terrorism and Canada -- a nation
founded on a belief in freedom, justice and tolerance – will be part of that
Terrorists are not attached to any one
country. Terrorism is a global threat. The perpetrators have demonstrated their
ability to move with ease from country to country. From place to place. To make
use of the freedom and openness of the victims on whom they prey. The very
freedom and openness that we cherish and will protect.
They are willing, indeed anxious, to
die in the commission of their crimes and to use innocent civilians as shields
and as tools.
We must prepare ourselves, and
Canadians, for the fact that this will be a long struggle with no easy
solutions. One in which patience and wisdom are essential.
But, Mr. Speaker, let us not deceive
ourselves as to the nature of the threat that faces us; that it can be defeated
easily or simply with one swift strike. We must be guided by a commitment to do
what works in the long run not by what makes us feel better in the short run.
Mr. Speaker,
Our actions will be ruled by resolve.
But not fear.
If laws need to be changed they will
be. If security has to be increased to protect Canadians it will be. We will
remain vigilant.
But we will not give into the
temptation, in a rush to increase security, to undermine the values that we
cherish and which have made Canada a beacon of hope, freedom and tolerance to
the world. We will not be stampeded in the hope -- vain and ultimately
self-defeating -- that we can make Canada a fortress against the world.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, I want to make
another very, very important point.
Immigration is central to the Canadian
experience and identity. We have welcomed people from all corners of the globe:
all nationalities, colours and religions. This who we are. And let there be no
doubt: we will allow no one to force us to sacrifice our values or traditions
under the pressure of urgent circumstances. We will continue to welcome people
from the whole world. We will continue to offer refuge to the persecuted.
I say again: No one will stop this!
I have been saddened by the fact that
the terror of last Tuesday has provoked demonstrations against Muslim Canadians
and other minority groups in Canada. This is completely unacceptable. The
terrorists win when they export their hatred. The evil perpetrators of this
horror represent no community or religion. They stand for evil. Nothing else!
As I have said, this is a struggle
against terrorism. Not against any one community or faith. Today, more than
ever, we must reaffirm the fundamental values of our Charter of Rights and
Freedoms: the equality of every race, every colour, every religion, and every
ethnic origin.
Mr. Speaker, we are all Canadians!
We are a compassionate and righteous
people. When we see the searing images of mothers and fathers. Sisters and
brothers -- many of them Canadian -- wandering the streets of New York looking
for their missing loved ones, we know where our duty lies.
We have never been a bystander in the
struggle for justice in the world. We will stand with Americans. As neighbours.
As friends. As family. We will stand with our allies. We will do what we must to
defeat terrorism.
But let our actions be guided by a
spirit of wisdom and perseverance. By our values and our way of life.
And, as we go on with the struggle, let
us never, ever, forget who we are. And what we stand for!