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Prime Minister announces appointments to the Senate

August 02, 2005


Prime Minister Paul Martin announced today that Her Excellency the Governor General has agreed to summon Andrée Champagne of Quebec, Dennis Dawson of Quebec, Hugh Segal of Ontario, Larry W. Campbell of British Columbia and Rod Zimmer of Manitoba to the Senate.

Biographies are attached.

Andrée Champagne

An accomplished actress and pianist, the Honourable Andrée Champagne was already a well-known personality in Quebec when she decided to enter politics in 1984. During her career in entertainment, Andrée Champagne served on the Board of Directors for l'Institut québécois du cinéma and was Vice-President and General Secretary of l'Union des artistes. A veteran of many television, radio, film and theatre productions, she is most widely recognized for her role in the television series Les Belles Histoires des pays d'en haut. Ms. Andrée Champagne was elected twice – in 1984 and 1988 – as the Member of Parliament for Saint-Hyacinthe - Bagot and in 1984 was appointed to Cabinet as Minister of State for Youth. She was later elected by the House of Commons to the position of Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole in 1986, followed by her appointment as Deputy Speaker - the first woman to ever hold this office in Canada. A mother of two, Andrée Champagne is also a proud grandmother along with her life partner, pianist and professor, André Sébastien Savoie. She will be sitting in the Senate as a member of the Conservative Party.

Dennis Dawson

Dennis Dawson first studied political science at Laval University and the University of Ottawa where he received a Bachelor’s degree. He later graduated from Laval University with a Master's in Business Administration. He began his career in public life as one of the youngest elected school board trustees in Québec, and was elected as Chairman of Québec's second largest School Board. In 1977, Dennis Dawson was elected as one of the youngest Members of Parliament in Canadian history where he served his constituents of Louis-Hébert for three consecutive terms. He also chaired the Québec caucus after working as Parliamentary Secretary for Employment and Immigration as well as Labour. He later ran the Québec operation of one of Canada's leading government relations firms. As an executive for Hill and Knowlton, he managed governmental relations for clients and developed public affairs strategies. Dennis Dawson has also appeared regularly as a political commentator on national television. He is married and has three children. He will be sitting in the Senate as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Hugh Segal

Former Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister of Canada and Associate Secretary of the Ontario Cabinet, Hugh Segal is one of Canada's better-known public policy experts. Since 1999, Hugh Segal has been President of the Institute for Research on Public Policy of Canada and has taught at Queen’s University Schools of Policy Studies and Business since 1993. His service in public life for a decade and a half, including being a Governor of his alma mater, the University of Ottawa, was followed by extensive experience in the private sector, as Chair of Tact Group, Director of Corporate and Investor Relations at John Labatt Ltd., and an Associate at Gluskin Sheff and Associates. He was the Vice-Chair of the Institute of Canadian Advertising and also of the Advisory Committee on Confederation for the Province of Ontario. He is a director of various companies in the private sector, Chair of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation and a Governor of Kingston General Hospital. In 2003, he was awarded the Order of Canada and holds a Doctorate in Law (honoris causa) from the Royal Military College of Canada. Hugh Segal currently resides in Kingston with wife, Donna, and their daughter, Jacqueline. He will be sitting in the Senate as a member of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Larry W. Campbell

One of Vancouver’s best-known and most admired citizens, Larry W. Campbell has served as mayor since 2002 after a distinguished and high profile career primarily in law enforcement and death investigation. Larry W. Campbell moved to Vancouver in 1969, working for the RCMP and later becoming a member of the force's Drug Squad. In 1981, he began work for the Government of British Columbia's Ministry of Attorney General and was instrumental in the establishment of the first Vancouver District Coroner's office, acquiring the position of Chief Coroner in 1996. His experiences in this role led to his participation in the development of the "Four-Pillar Approach" to Vancouver's east-side drug problem. His experiences as the city's Chief Coroner inspired him to become a scriptwriter for the Gemini award-winning television series Da Vinci's Inquest, which is loosely based on his own career. Larry W. Campbell has a Master's of Business Administration and currently lives with his family in Point Grey. He will be sitting in the Senate as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Rod Zimmer

With a long and distinguished career in business and philanthropy, Rod Zimmer is one of Winnipeg's most recognized community leaders. Since 1993, he has been the President of The Gatehouse Corporation. From 1995 to 1998, he served as Vice President for the Festivals for the Pan American Games Society Inc. From 1985 to 1993, he was the Director of Marketing and Communications for the Manitoba Lotteries Foundation and was also the Director of Project Management for the Canadian Sports Pool Corporation in Ottawa in 1984. From 1979 to 1983, he was Vice President of Corporate Communications for CanWest Capital Corporation. In 1973, he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan. Rod Zimmer is an extremely active player within his community, volunteering his services for countless charitable causes and organizations including serving as President of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet from 1989 to 1991 and as a Member of the Board of Directors for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers Football Club from 1981 to 1993. Throughout his career, he has developed and coordinated appeals for various charitable groups, arts and sport organizations and universities. Born in Kuroki, Saskatchewan, Rod Zimmer currently resides with his wife in Winnipeg. He will be sitting in the Senate as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada.

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