Speech from the Throne to Open
the Second Session of the Thirty-Fifth Parliament of Canada
February 27, 1996
Ladies and Gentlemen, Honourable Members of the Senate;
Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the House of Commons:
A year ago when I became Governor General, I spoke about the
generosity and the compassion of Canadians. I spoke especially of
the unsung heroes, the volunteers and helpers who encourage and
care for their communities.
Since then, travelling to almost every province, I have seen how
much Canadians love their country and how generous and open
they can be to those in need. I have discovered the great strength of
those currents of generosity and compassion.
In the schools and the Scout troops and in every part of life, from
the nurseries of the newborn to palliative care for the dying,
Canadians give endless help to one another. Surely this must be the
most giving of countries.
We are developing a new award to recognize the unsung heroes
of Canada; and hundreds of Canadians have already put forward the
names of their fellow citizens, to honour their constant help and
their open hearts.
On the opening of the second session of this Parliament, and on
behalf of the Government of Canada, I make the following brief
statements of government policy. The Prime Minister and
Ministers will expand on this in coming days. Legislation and other
administrative measures will follow.
Twenty-eight months ago, Canadians elected a new Parliament
and chose a new government. Since then, the Government has
acted to meet its commitments to the Canadian people. Ministers
have insisted upon the highest standards of integrity and honesty in
fulfilling their mandate.
The Government approaches the second half of its mandate
confident that what unites us as Canadians is far greater than what
divides us; certain that the values we share as Canadians are as
relevant today as they have been at any time during our history; and
determined to apply basic Canadian values and principles to the
new policies and fresh approaches that are required to prepare
ourselves and our national institutions to deal with the challenges
of the 21st century.
Canadians are concerned about economic uncertainty, the
sustainability of social programs and the unity of the country. The
scope and enormity of the challenges are such that no individual,
municipality, province or region acting in isolation can expect or
hope to address them successfully. It will take the will to reason
together and to pull together. Each of us must join with those with
whom we have the most in common, with whom we share the most
at the most basic level-at the level of values. And when we reflect
on it, we realize it is with other Canadians that we have the most in
common. And when we look at our history, and at our place in the
world, we know we can solve our problems.
Ensuring Opportunity: A Strong Economy
A strong economy is the essence of a strong society. A strong
economy creates the ability to translate into reality the values of
equality of opportunity, compassion for the underprivileged and
protection of the vulnerable.
Government has a necessary and essential role in facilitating
change in society. Many Canadians are concerned about their
security, and particularly their security of employment. The
Government will work with the private sector and the provinces to
make the collective investments required to produce hope, growth
and jobs. Because government does not have the resources to do
everything, it must be strategic in its approach. It must invest in
people. The Government will focus its new initiatives on youth,
science and technology, and trade.
Young Canadians want the opportunity to put their energies and
talents to use. Young Canadians deserve a climate of opportunity.
This must be a national objective.
It is time to harness the energy of the Team Canada partnership
abroad between the federal and the provincial governments and the
private sector to create hope, opportunity and jobs for young people
at home. The Government will challenge the provincial
governments and the private sector to enter into a domestic Team
Canada partnership to create such opportunity for young people. In
-The Government will announce measures to double the
number of federal summer student jobs this summer. The
Government challenges the business community and provincial
and municipal governments to do likewise.
-The Government will work in active partnership with the
provinces, the private sector and young people themselves to
prepare initiatives to enhance youth job opportunities so that young
Canadians can get work experience.
-The Government will challenge business and labour and all
levels of government to work together to create new approaches to
assist young people in finding their first job.
Science and Technology
To create enduring jobs for Canadians in the economy of the 21st
century, investment in knowledge and technology is essential. The
Government will establish guiding principles to improve the
effectiveness and focus of the federal science and technology
effort. In particular:
-The Government will make specific proposals to support
technology development in the aerospace industry, in
environmental technologies, and in critical enabling technologies
such as biotechnology. Further measures will be taken to promote
technology diffusion, including the launch of a Canadian
technology network.
-The Government will support technological innovation by
providing a predictable policy and regulatory framework for the
information highway.
-The Government will continue to expand the access to the
School Net and Community Access programs so that Canadians,
particularly those in rural communities, will be able to use
technology to increase their knowledge and access to each other
and to the rest of the world.
Canadian jobs and growth depend heavily on our exports. Every
one billion dollars of exports means 11,000 Canadian jobs. The
success of ``Trade Team Canada'' demonstrates the value of
working together to succeed in world markets and therefore create
job prospects at home.
Further ``Trade Team Canada'' missions will be undertaken
under the leadership of the Prime Minister.
To create jobs at home, the Government will announce new
measures to enhance export development and financing, with
emphasis on developing new products and new exporters and
attracting new foreign investment.
The Government will continue efforts to expand NAFTA and
will work towards more world trade liberalization.
Where there are trade disputes, the Government will spare no
effort to promote and defend legitimate Canadian trade rights and
A Climate for Economic Growth and Job Creation
In the first half of its mandate, the Government has taken steps to
ensure that the economic and fiscal conditions are in place for
sustained growth and job creation. The Government has made
major structural reforms. The deficit has been cut. International
trade and investment initiatives have been undertaken. Much has
been accomplished. Canadians are beginning to see dividends,
particularly with lower interest rates.
But the job is not yet completed. The Government will continue
to take appropriate action to promote a proper climate for
economic growth and jobs. In particular:
-The 1996 Budget will set out how the Government will attain
its deficit-reduction targets, bringing the deficit down to two
percent of gross domestic product in 1997-98 and ensuring that
further progress will be realized in 1998-99 and beyond.
-The Government will work with the provinces to conclude
discussions on sales tax harmonization and establish a process to
replace the GST and provincial sales taxes with a national sales tax.
-The Government will introduce proposals to strengthen the
economic framework with legislative improvements in the areas of
competition, bankruptcy and copyright.
-The Government will introduce proposals to update
legislation governing financial institutions to ensure that it
continues to be relevant to the emerging needs of businesses and
-The Government will propose a modernization of the rules
governing labour relations under federal jurisdiction through
changes in Part I of the Canada Labour Code.
-The Government will ensure through regulatory reform that
requirements are strong and clear, delays are minimized and
activities co-ordinated between departments and between levels of
-The Government is committed to the economic renewal of
rural Canada. The Government will address the problems facing
rural Canadians in a way that is tailored to their needs. Rural
Canada is rich in natural and human resources and faces different
challenges than urban areas. The Government will move forward in
the coming session to make sure that all Canadians benefit from
economic prosperity.
Ensuring Opportunity: Security for Canadians
Economic growth is not an end in itself. Government has the
obligation, in accordance with basic Canadian values, to ensure
security for Canadians in a rapidly changing world. Our legacy to
future generations must include the assurance for all Canadians,
wherever they live, that there will be a modern and accessible
health care system; that a helping hand will be available when a
helping hand is needed; that a public pension system will be there
to support people in their old age; that our environment is
protected; and that Canadians will be safe in their homes and
A Secure Social Safety Net
The Government is committed to ensuring opportunity through a
sustainable social safety net for the future. The Government will
secure Canada's social union for the future and will adapt our
federal arrangements as necessary to meet current challenges and
to prepare for the next century. The Government is open to new
ways and new directions to pursue our values. In particular:
-The Government will work with the provinces and Canadians
to develop by mutual consent the values, principles and objectives
that should underlie, first, the Canada Health and Social Transfer
and, building on this, the social union more generally.
-The CHST consists of tax points and cash. The Government
will announce plans to put a floor under the cash transfer
component to provide a guarantee of continuing federal cash to the
provinces. This will serve to secure Canada's safety net,
particularly medicare.
Canadians attach high priority to our health care system and to
the principles of medicare. The Government reaffirms its
unwavering commitment to the five principles of the Canada
Health Act. The Government will continue to work with the
provinces to ensure the future of our publicly financed health care
Canadians expect to have secure elderly benefits and pensions
available to them when they retire.
-The Government will propose to Parliament measures to
sustain Canada's elderly benefits system for the future.
-The Canada Pension Plan will be made sustainable for future
generations. Discussions are already under way with the provinces
on possible changes. A joint federal-provincial paper setting out
the problems and challenges facing the Plan has already been
released for public consultation. And reforms will be legislated
once the required provincial consent has been obtained.
Equality of opportunity is a basic Canadian value. It begins with
children. The Government will announce measures to improve
Canada's child support system, with the particular objective of
helping single parents and low-income working families.
Security for Canadians means ensuring that people who are out
of work can get help while they are unemployed and can get help to
go back to work.
-The Government will implement a new Employment
Insurance System beginning July 1, 1996. The Government will
ensure that the legislation, while respecting the fiscal parameters of
the proposed reforms, is responsive to the realities of the Canadian
job market and that the impact of changes does not fall unfairly on
workers who are most in need of support.
-The Government will accelerate its current discussions with
the provinces on labour market training and development to ensure
the orderly withdrawal of federal activity in training, and to explore
new approaches and the appropriate roles and responsibilities of
each level of government for strengthening national and local
labour markets.
Environmental Security
While sustaining the social safety net is an essential element of
security for Canadians, it is not all. The quality of Canada's natural
environment is a matter of national pride. Security for Canadians
means sustaining our environment. All Canadians must work
together to protect the environment. In particular:
-The Government will propose the modernization of the
Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
-A federal Endangered Species Protection Act will be
-Legislation to ratify the UN Straddling Stocks Agreement and
the Law of the Sea Convention will be presented to Parliament.
-The Government will promote the long-term conservation and
revitalization of the Pacific salmon fishery and continue with the
revitalization of the east coast fishery.
National parks are the heritage of a nation. The Government will
seek agreements with provincial and territorial governments and
with First Nations to establish new national parks and national
marine conservation areas.
The solutions to many environmental problems lie outside our
borders. The Government will continue to play an environmental
leadership role both at home and in the international arena.
Personal Security
The non-violent character of our country-safe homes, safe
streets-is also an essential element of security for Canadians. The
Government will focus corrections resources on high-risk
offenders while increasing efforts to lower the number of young
people who come into contact with the justice system. The
Government will develop innovative alternatives to incarceration
for low-risk offenders. Criminal procedures will be reformed to
better serve victims of crime.
International Security
In an interdependent world, security means taking an active role
on the international stage. All Canadians strongly identify with,
and take great pride in, the role Canada plays in the world. The
Government will continue to work in the G-7, NATO and the
United Nations for a more stable and peaceful world. It will pursue
a wider spread entrenchment of democracy, and greater respect for
human rights.
In keeping with its commitment to advancing human rights and
dignity, the Government will make the rights of children a
Canadian priority and seek an international consensus to eliminate
exploitative child labour.
The Government will pay special attention to addressing the
growing crisis of confidence in the United Nations, which
Canadians rightly regard as the most important multilateral
organization to ensure international peace and security.
Canada will also do its part to help keep and build peace in
Bosnia, Haiti, the Middle East and elsewhere.
A Modern and United Country
Canadians have a common history, a common collective
experience, a shared territory, and institutions that are uniquely our
own. The Government will act to preserve this heritage.
Canadians also agree upon the values and principles which bind
us together and give us confidence in ourselves and in each other.
On October 27, the people of Canada came together in their own
communities and in Montreal to demonstrate as never before the
will to stay together. On October 30, the people of Quebec voted in
a referendum to stay in Canada.
At the same time, the referendum result gave a clear message
that Quebeckers want change in the federation. This desire for
change is broadly shared across Canada. The Government will act
on a responsible agenda for change for all of Canada.
In the last two years, the Government has made significant
changes in a number of areas. The Government will work with the
provinces and individual Canadians to ensure that the Canadian
federation is modernized to meet the needs of the 21st century. This
modernization must be respectful of our diversity and be based on
partnership and dialogue. Canadians want and expect governments
to be flexible and to operate efficiently and effectively so that the
country functions well. In particular:
-The Government will not use its spending power to create new
shared-cost programs in areas of exclusive provincial jurisdiction
without the consent of a majority of the provinces. Any new
program will be designed so that non-participating provinces will
be compensated, provided they establish equivalent or comparable
-There are areas where, in the 21st century, the federal
government does not have to be involved. For example,
components of Canada's transportation infrastructure are being
transferred to community-based groups, municipal authorities and
the private sector.
-The Government is prepared to withdraw from its functions
in such areas as labour market training, forestry, mining, and
recreation, that are more appropriately the responsibility of others,
including provincial governments, local authorities or the private
-The federal government will propose to the provinces a much
strengthened process to work in partnership, focussing on such
priorities as food inspection, environmental management, social
housing, tourism and freshwater fish habitat.
The federal government has an important contribution to make
in preserving and modernizing Canada's social union so that the
caring society remains Canada-wide in scope. In particular:
-The Government will work with the provinces and Canadians
to develop agreed-upon values and principles to underlie the social
union and to explore new approaches to decision making in social
-The Government will continue to protect and promote
unhampered social mobility between provinces and access to social
and other benefits, and will work with the provinces to identify new
and mutually agreed approaches.
The federal government has a major role to play in strengthening
the Canadian economy and the Canadian economic union. The
Government will work with the provinces to take concrete steps to
further improve the functioning of the Canadian economic union.
In particular:
-The Internal Trade Agreement, which came into effect in July
1995, must be improved. The government will work with the
provinces and the private sector to achieve a much more open
-The Government is prepared to work with the provinces and
other partners to reduce or eliminate remaining barriers to labour
-The Government is prepared to work with interested provinces
towards the development of a Canadian Securities Commission, a
single food inspection service, and a national revenue collection
The Government welcomes public participation in the debate
about Canada. It will encourage Parliament to reach out to
Canadians to seek their views on the specific components of an
agenda for change.
A First Ministers meeting will be called in the months ahead to
discuss how governments can better work together for job creation
in Canada, how to secure the social safety net and how to put into
place a common agenda for change to renew Canada.
The Government intends to focus its energies on positive action
to prepare Canada for the 21st century. The Government welcomes
the commitment of the new government of Quebec to focus all its
energies on the real problems of its citizens. The Government will
work in collaboration with the Government of Quebec and all
provincial governments on an agenda of economic renewal and job
But as long as the prospect of another Quebec referendum exists,
the Government will exercise its responsibility to ensure that the
debate is conducted with all the facts on the table, that the rules of
the process are fair, that the consequences are clear, and that
Canadians, no matter where they live, will have their say in the
future of their country.
The Government recognizes that national unity is more than a
re-balancing of roles and responsibilities of levels of government.
At a time of globalization of the economy, Canada is especially
well placed to compete because of two official languages and the
many Canadians who speak languages other than English and
French. The Government recognizes that because of the minority
status of the French language in North America, French-speaking
Canadians have legitimate concerns. The Government affirms that
it is particularly important to reinforce a Francophone presence at
home and abroad. Such a presence contributes to our national
identity and is a source of strength and enrichment for our country.
Action has already been taken to recognize Quebec as a distinct
society within Canada and to guarantee that no constitutional
change affecting any major region of the country will take place
without the consent of that region. The Government supports the
entrenchment of these provisions in the Constitution.
National unity means reminding Canadians of what they have in
common. The Government will put forward a series of measures
with special emphasis on helping Canadians, particularly young
Canadians, to broaden their experience of Canada and to learn
more about their country. A new Citizenship Act will be introduced
to better reflect contemporary views of the rights and
responsibilities of citizenship.
Culture is at the core of our identity as Canadians. The
Government is committed to strong Canadian cultural industries.
The Government will propose measures to strengthen culture in
Canada and will ensure continued access to our own cultural
products in order to maintain a balance between Canadian
perspectives and those from abroad. The Government reaffirms its
commitment to ensuring the long-term vitality of the CBC, the
National Film Board and Telefilm Canada as institutions which
interpret Canada to Canadians and to the world.
The Government believes that one of the tests of Canadian
values is our ability to incorporate the aspirations of Canada's
Aboriginal peoples. The recent historic Nisga'a agreement in
principle shows that this is possible. The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development will continue to pursue other initiatives
in partnership with Aboriginal people and other governments.
Honourable Members of the Senate;
Members of the House of Commons:
In looking to the 21st century, it is essential that the federal
government, in its own policies and programs, be dedicated to
providing modern, flexible public services-services that are
accessible, affordable and responsive to the needs of clients and
citizens. The Government acknowledges the contribution of the
Public Service of Canada to the continuing achievement of its
goals. Further measures will be introduced to enable more flexible
and innovative methods of service delivery.
By working in partnership throughout Canadian society to create
jobs and economic opportunity, to provide the security of a modern
social safety net, and to preserve national unity, the Government
affirms that a legacy of hope can be left to future generations.
Members of the House of Commons:
You will be asked to appropriate the funds required to carry out
the services and expenditures authorized by Parliament.
May Divine Providence guide all of you in your deliberations.