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The Public Service of Canada has always strived for an excellence and innovation that responds to the needs of this country. At every stage in the history of the Public Service, the recruitment of new people has enabled us to tap their ideas, skills and perspectives to move forward.

The 1999 Speech from the Throne made a commitment to "ensure that the Public Service of Canada remains a strong, representative, professional and non-partisan national institution that provides Canadians the highest quality service into the 21st Century." It further stated that "the Government will also focus on the recruitment, retention and continuous learning of a skilled federal workforce."

I chose to lead the COSO Sub-committee on Recruitment because of the importance I attach to this issue. The work of the Sub-committee has enabled us to analyze the issues, identify the recruitment initiatives to date and define clear steps that leaders at every level can and should take. The Sub-committee also proposed new ideas and challenged managers, central agencies and departments to consider more innovative ways to recruit people. Some ideas will need to be further developed and costed but are still included in this report to reflect where the Sub-committee wants to head. In the meantime, there is a lot going on in departments and there is something every leader can do, without waiting for someone else to make a first move. We have some very exciting times ahead of us.

Demographic and labour market realities are leaving us with gaps to be filled, and there will be even greater gaps ahead unless we take serious, sustained action on recruitment. As Head of the Public Service, I firmly believe that Canada’s Public Service can and must take bold actions to attract high-quality young workers and give them opportunities to make a difference that will benefit Canadians. We need a vibrant Public Service to ensure that this country maintains its high standard of living and its influential position on the international front.

Recruitment is also a powerful lever and opportunity to make progress on diversity. Merit will remain the cornerstone of our recruitment strategy in such a way that it will allow us to have better outcomes, encourage better performance and value different talents.

I would like to thank the members of the Sub-committee for their honest and innovative contribution, with special thanks to Jean–Guy Fleury in his role as Secretary and to the Public Service Commission and the Treasury Board Secretariat for their valuable input. Their ongoing leadership will be key in successfully implementing the recommendations in this report.

Mel Cappe

Clerk of the Privy Council, Head of the Public Service,
and Secretary to the Cabinet


Mel Cappe (Chairperson)
Ronald Bilodeau
Margaret Bloodworth
David Dodge
Donald Drummond
André Gladu
Claire Morris
Morris Rosenberg
Scott Serson
Carole Swan
Jean–Guy Fleury (Secretary)


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