About the Privy Council Office

As head of the government of Canada, the Prime Minister provides leadership and cohesion to the Ministry, and requires a broad base of support. The Privy Council Office is the Prime Minister’s department and the Cabinet Secretariat. It is a focal point of action in the Government of Canada’s public service. Our work requires close and continuous contact with other federal departments and agencies to support their ability to work effectively and to ensure overall consultation and coordination. We provide non-partisan advice and support to the government, and leadership, coordination and support to the departments and agencies of the government.

The primary responsibility of the Privy Council Office is to provide public service support to the Prime Minister, to ministers within the Prime Minister's portfolio, and to the Cabinet in order to facilitate the smooth and effective operation of the Government of Canada.

The Privy Council Office is staffed by career public servants. Our activities are guided by our mission and our values. Our work reflects and supports the three core responsibilities of the Clerk of the Privy Council, who is the head of PCO.

Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister

PCO assists the Clerk of the Privy Council Office in providing professional, non-partisan support to the Prime Minister in his or her role as head of government on all policy and operational issues. This includes advice and support on:

Secretary to the Cabinet

As the Cabinet secretariat, PCO provides the Cabinet and its committees the support required to prepare for and conduct meetings. This support includes:

Head of the Public Service

PCO supports the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet as Head of the Public Service in:

Further Reading

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