Canada’s Military Contribution to the International Coalition against Terrorism

October 8, 2001

Since September 11, Canada has been steadfast in its determination to stand by the United States and our allies in the fight against terrorism.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister confirmed in his address to the nation that Canada will contribute to the multi-national military coalition against terrorism.

This contribution will include significant navy and air force components, representing a total of over 2,000 men and women of the Canadian Forces.

Preparations for all military personnel involved have already begun. The first deployment will begin in the next few days and will continue over the coming weeks.

Navy Forces

Air Force

Joint Task Force Two

Since the attacks, the Canadian Forces have been collaborating intensively with the United States on intelligence gathering and analysis, involving hundreds of CF members. And as part of our participation in NORAD, we have also increased our vigilance.

Ten days ago, our government authorized more than 100 Canadian Forces personnel serving in the United States and with other allied military forces to participate in any operations conducted by the host units in response to the recent terrorist attack.

The importance of the Canadian contribution to the coalition’s efforts, as requested by the US, is clearly an indication of the professional service that our men and women will provide in this sustained and difficult campaign against terrorism.

Military initiatives are part of a larger coalition campaign that also includes humanitarian, financial, legislative, diplomatic and domestic security efforts.

During this campaign, Canada will continue to contribute to NORAD and NATO.

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