The Government’s Efforts to Reduce Child Poverty

May 7, 2002

A generation ago, Canadians took up the challenge of eliminating poverty among seniors. Ensuring that no Canadian child suffers from the debilitating effects of poverty is a top priority of our government.

A strong economy, with good jobs that pay well for Canadians, is the best means to reduce poverty. This belief has been the bedrock of our government’s policy since 1993.

At the same time, our government’s Innovation and Skills Agenda will help us make sure that all Canadians have the cutting edge skills and learning they will need to prosper and realize their unique potential, and to brand Canada as one of the most innovative and inclusive nations in the world.

Our commitment is clear: to take the action necessary – in partnership with all levels of government, communities and the voluntary sector – so that every Canadian child can have the best possible start in life, and can be equipped with the capacities they need to be ready to learn when they begin school, and to grow into healthy, productive adults.

Our government understands that a good start is essential to a child’s well-being and success in life. And that the strength of our society will depend on the investments we make today, as a nation, in families and children.

A record of achievement

Our government has taken concrete action to better the quality of life of Canadian children and make sure that they get the right start in life.

Overall, the Government of Canada provides over $11 billion per year in services and programs for Canadian children.

Future Action  

Our government will continue to take action to help disadvantaged families with children break the cycle of poverty and dependency, and to ensure that all families have access to the services and supports they need to care for their children.

Among other things, our government will:

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