The 1999 Budget: Building a Strong Economy Through Knowledge and Innovation

February 16, 1999

Investing in knowledge and innovation is essential to our overriding goal of keeping the Canadian economy strong, creating well-paying jobs and increasing our standard of living.

Over the past five years our government has made important strategic investments in support of knowledge and innovation, including:

The Canadian Opportunities Strategy

The 1998 Budget took our efforts to a new level with the Canadian Opportunities Strategy. A comprehensive plan to expand access to the knowledge, learning and skills Canadians need to get a shot at better jobs and a higher standard of living -- in which the federal government will be investing over $1.2 billion next year.

A centrepiece of the Strategy, the Canada Millennium Scholarships -- our largest and proudest millennium project -- next year will begin providing as many as 100,000 post-secondary students from low and middle-income families each year with scholarships that will average $3,000.

Building on the Canadian Opportunities Strategy

The 1999 Budget builds on the Canadian Opportunities Strategy by investing more than $1.8 billion over the remainder of this fiscal year and the next three years in the creation, dissemination and commercialization of knowledge, and in support of employment. This includes:

Creating Knowledge

Disseminating Knowledge: The Information Highway

Commercializing Knowledge

Supporting Employment

The 1999 Budget

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