Highlights of the Prime Minister’s Address before the NATO Parliamentary Assembly


October 9, 2001

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today addressed the annual NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Ottawa. What follows are the highlights of his address:

Canada was a founding member of NATO – the most successful military alliance in history. And we are proud to be a charter member in this new multi-national, multi-ethnic coalition against terror.

We are engaged in a new kind of struggle against a new kind of enemy. Defeating these bands of marauding extremists will require action on a broad front, including military, diplomatic and financial action. Humanitarian relief. And enhanced domestic security programs and legislation.

The horrendous events of September 11 have taught us that no nation is immune to terror. And our government has taken vigorous action to protect Canadians:

These initiatives follow the measures already in place to protect Canadians. For example:

Military strikes have begun against selected targets in Afghanistan. As always, every effort has been made in planning military action to limit civilian casualties. And the nations of our coalition will provide all necessary humanitarian assistance to those who are displaced.

We will never repeat enough that Canada and its coalition partners have no quarrel with the people of Afghanistan. And they have no quarrel with us. Our dispute is with the terrorists and the Taliban regime that insists on giving them safe harbour.

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