The Health Action Plan:
Reporting to Canadians

September 11, 2000

Coordinated action to report to Canadians on the performance of our publicly funded health care system is a key component of the Health Action Plan agreed to by all First Ministers.

Currently, there is little comparable information available to Canadians on how their health care dollars are being spent and with what results. This is made even more difficult by the fact that provincial health systems have developed in different ways over time to meet the needs of their respective populations.

More comprehensive reporting would be of tremendous benefit to patients, health care providers governments – all Canadians -by:

Accordingly, under the Heath Action Plan, and building on existing efforts, governments have agreed to collaborate on the creation of a framework for regular reporting on health system performance and outcomes starting in September 2002.

This will include the development and use of comparable and appropriate indicators that will focus on:

Efforts to report on Canada-wide health system performance will be flexible to take into account regional differences.

Governments also commit to provide comprehensive, regular reporting to Canadians on jointly-agreed-upon priorities. This will include how well the health system is doing in providing reasonably timely access to health services and in protecting and promoting health.

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