Speech From Throne 

 Throne Speech 2001
Health and Quality Care

January 30, 2001

Quality, universal, publicly-funded health care is a cornerstone of the Canadian quality of life.

The Canadian health care system is a justifiable source of pride for Canadians - an expression of our values of compassion, sharing and caring. It is one of our proudest national achievements.

Our publicly financed system is the best. It is a right of citizenship, not a privilege of wealth. Canadians expect their governments to stand up for the five principles of the Canada Health Act and to work together to ensure that our health care system is modern and sustainable.

As the last election clearly demonstrated, Canadians simply will not tolerate the creation of one system of health care for the rich and one for the rest of us.

Our government has shown unswerving leadership in defending and strengthening our health care system – in areas of funding, research, innovation, and giving Canadians better access to health information.

And we have worked constructively - as a partner - with provinces, territories and other interested parties in meeting the needs of the future and responding to emerging health care issues - in a spirit of openness and pragmatism.

A Record of Achievement

Last September, our government reached an agreement with all the provinces and territories on a Health Action Plan which will preserve and modernize our publicly funded health care system for the 21st century.

The Health Action Plan will result in $21.2 billion in additional federal funds over five years being made available to the provinces and territories for health care.

Highlights of the Health Action Plan:

We set aside $550 million for health-related research and innovation and to launch the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to investigate disease prevention and treatment, the determinants of health, and the effectiveness of the health system.

We have funded and promoted information-sharing networks, such as the Canadian Health Network to provide individual Canadians, as well as health care professionals, with the information they need to make the best health decisions.

2001 SFT Commitments

The Government of Canada will:

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