June 26, 2000
Lisbon, Portugal

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced that Canada and the European Union (EU) have agreed on two statements on peace-building activities and international trade.

"Our discussions have led to agreement on how we could cooperate in advancing important global issues," said Prime Minister Chrétien. "Canada and the EU will work together to develop plans to promote common actions which contribute to human security and to the prevention of armed conflict. We have also agreed to support World Trade Organization efforts to further trade liberalization and improve international rules to foster economic growth, strengthen the world economy and help us meet the challenges of globalization."

Canada-EU Joint Statement on Peace Building and Conflict Prevention commits Canada and the EU to meet at the experts level within six months in order to examine possibilities for concrete co-operation on peace-building and conflict prevention, as well as on other relevant issues in areas such as small arms and light weapons, civil wars motivated by greed and corporate social responsibility.

In the Canada-EU Joint Statement on the World Trade Organization Canada and the EU undertake to support the launch of a new trade Round that would reflect the balanced interests of all WTO members, aim to further liberalize international trade, facilitate the integration of developing countries into the global economy and take into account sustainable development, consumer health and cultural diversity. The statement supports the pursuit of international discussions on trade, globalization and social development between all interested parties.

This announcement followed the Canada-EU Summit held today in Lisbon, Portugal, between the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Guterres, representing the Presidency of the European Council, and the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi.

Canada-EU Summits are held twice yearly, in addition to regularly scheduled meetings at the ministerial and senior official levels, and provide an opportunity for leaders to discuss global issues and identify opportunities for strengthening Canada-EU cooperation. In addition to conflict prevention and WTO themes, Canada and the EU discussed a wide range of other subjects including market access issues, the results of the 19-20 June EU Summit at Feira, the possibility of closer Canada-EU consultation with regard to the EU’s policy on Security and Defence, as well as Justice and Home Affairs and recent developments in other regions of the world.

Prime Minister Chrétien was accompanied to the Summit by Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy and International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew.

Portugal’s presidency of the Council of the European Union ends on June 30th, 2000. France assumes the presidency effective July 1st, 2000.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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