June 20, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Attached is the text of a letter sent yesterday by Prime Minister Chrétien to Premier Mike Harris concerning the revitalization of the Toronto Waterfront .

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

Dear Premier Harris:

Further to our meeting on Friday May 19th, I continue to agree with the need for all three levels of government to cooperate on the revitalization of the Toronto Waterfront. I understand that the Toronto 2008 Bid Committee will be presenting a submission to the International Olympic Committee on June 20th. The Olympic timetable will require decisions to be made in a timely way. Cooperation between our governments and the City of Toronto towards the Waterfront revitalization project will be a key element demonstrating that Canadian governments are supportive of Toronto’s Olympic submission.

The City of Toronto, the Provincial Government and the Federal Government all have significant land holdings in the area and it is in our collective interest to coordinate efforts to clean up these lands and develop them for productive use with the benefit of all Canadians in mind. That is why I agreed with you and Mayor Lastman on November 3rd, 1999 on the need to appoint the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, to review the Toronto waterfront situation and report back with its best advice.

As you know, federal, provincial and municipal staff are reviewing the details of the Fung report, but it is my opinion that the work to date has provided us with a sweeping vision and a strong foundation upon which we can continue moving forward together. The establishment of an appropriate decision-making mechanism would be the next logical step in efforts to revitalize Toronto's waterfront.

We have much work still to do in analysing the financial, development and governance concepts recommended by the Task Force. Therefore, I would encourage staff at all levels to work together towards determining how the vision for waterfront revitalization should be realized with the help of our governments and the City of Toronto.

Yours sincerely,



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