Statement by the Prime Minister

October 2, 1996
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien has expressed his sadness at the death of the former Premier of Quebec, Mr. Robert Bourassa:

"Canada has lost one of its major political figures. Mr. Bourassa left his mark on the modern history of Quebec and the whole country. He astonished many during his rich and full career in politics by his remarkable tenacity and his determination to overcome obstacles and problems of every kind. Because of that, and beyond political loyalties, he earned the respect of men and women everywhere in Canada.

Throughout his life, Mr. Bourassa represented the most noble and selfless concept of public service. I know that, today, all Canadians would wish to thank him. On their behalf, I offer my sincerest sympathy to Mrs. Andrée Bourassa and the family and friends of Robert Bourassa."

PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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