Seventh anniversary of the massacre at the École polytechnique de Montréal

December 5, 1996
Ottawa, Ontario

The following is the text of a statement by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on the seventh anniversary of the massacre at the École polytechnique de Montréal.

On the seventh anniversary of the terrible massacre at École polytechnique de Montréal, it is appropriate that all Canadians reflect on the serious problem of discrimination and violence towards women in our society. Canadians from coast to coast were deeply shocked by the senseless killing of fourteen innocent young women on December 6, 1989 -- a day we will never forget.

A direct result of the tragedy in Montreal was the development of a strong advocacy movement for tougher gun control in Canada, with women taking a leadership role. I was particularly moved to see that the families and friends of the young women who were killed at École polytechnique have strongly supported gun control legislation. With the Firearms Act passed last year, Canada is now well on its way to having one of the most effective systems of gun control in the world.

Perhaps the best way in which we can honour the memory of these young women is for all Canadians to work together to build a society free from intolerance, hatred and violence. As we remember the terrible events of December 6, let us renew our efforts to promote understanding and mutual respect.

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