Statement by the Prime Minister

October 2, 1998
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today expressed sadness on behalf of the Canadian people at the news that a Labrador Search and Rescue helicopter had crashed in the Gaspé region of Quebec with the loss of all on board:

"On behalf of all Canadians, Aline and I offer our prayers and our deepest sympathies to the grieving families and friends.

This accident is a tragic and terrible reminder to us all of the risks that our courageous search and rescue teams expose themselves to on a daily basis. The Labrador crew had only just completed a mission of mercy when it fell into harm's way.

While I know that it is only small comfort to those who are suffering so deeply at this hour, I want to let them know how grateful all Canadians are for the selflessness and devotion to duty of their loved ones."

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