Prime Minister Witnesses Signing of Two Agreements With Israel

April 9, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today joined Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Ehud Barak in witnessing the signing of two bilateral agreements between Canada and Israel. The signing ceremony took place in Jerusalem, the first stop on his Middle East trip that will also see him visiting the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

"These agreements reinforce the vibrant people-to-people ties our countries share and complement the immensely successful Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement," said the Prime Minister. "Renewing the Canada-Israel Industrial Research and Development Foundation will deepen our cooperation in developing cutting-edge technologies. And the Interim Agreement on Social Security is tangible evidence of a commitment by both governments to eliminate barriers to the free movement of our citizens."

The following documents were signed at the Jerusalem ceremony by Ambassador Michael Bell, on behalf of Canada, and Foreign Minister David Levy, on behalf of Israel:

An Interim Agreement on Social Security between Canada and Israel will ensure continuity of social service coverage when persons are sent, in the course of their work, from one country to the other for periods up to five years. It also eliminates situations in which some employees and their employers must contribute to pension plans in both countries.

A five-year renewal of the Canada-Israel Industrial Research and Development Foundation (CIIRDF) will allowed continued funding of collaborative research and development projects between Canadian and Israeli firms. The foundation was established in 1994 and has already led to commercial sales.

The Prime Minister also noted that Canada and Israel have made progress on co-operation in telecommunications, health and legal assistance.


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555




Interim Social Security Agreement Between Canada and Israel: With the entry-into-force of the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Israel in January 1, 1997, both nations agreed to conclude an Interim Agreement on Social Security. The Interim Agreement deals with contributions to the Canada Pension Plan and the Israeli National Insurance program.

It will ensure continuity of social security coverage when persons are sent, in the course of their work, from one country to the other for periods up to five years. As well, it will eliminate situations in which some employees and their employers would otherwise have to contribute to pension plans in both nations.

The Interim Agreement also contains a standard clause that provides for the signing of an Understanding between the Government of Israel and a provincial government pertaining to social security issues under its jurisdiction.

The Government of Canada is strongly committed to the negotiation of a more comprehensive agreement that would also cover the payment of benefits.

The Canada–Israel Industrial Research and Development Foundation (CIIRDF) is a bi-national institute that was established in 1994 to promote collaborative research and development between firms in both countries. The governments of Canada and Israel supported this effort, recognizing that enhanced industrial technical linkages would be a key factor in improving bilateral commercial relations.

CIIRDF promotes and supports technically and commercially viable projects through a number of Canada-Israeli partnering activities, including an R&D matchmaking service.

The Foundation has established itself as a major player in promoting strong Canada-Israel ties with more than 28 collaborative projects worth an estimated $10 million. Canada and Israel have agreed to extend funding to the CIIRDF by each providing a total of $5 million over the next 5 years.








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