May 9, 2001
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the creation of a Prime Minister's Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues. Creation of the Task Force is a key part of fulfilling the commitment made in Opportunity for All, the 2000 Liberal election platform, to engage in a dialogue with citizens, experts and other orders of government on the opportunities and challenges facing our urban regions.

"Over the last few decades, our cities have prospered and grown to become the places where a majority of Canadians live work and play," said the Prime Minister. "And, while our cities have responded well to many of the challenges of rapid growth, it is clear that strengthened partnerships will be required to sustain and enhance the quality of life in our large urban areas. I am delighted that our Caucus will be providing me with advice on how the Government of Canada can better focus its efforts in cities.`

The Government Canada is an active partner with governments, the private and voluntary sectors and individual Canadians across a wide spectrum of programs and services that ensure that urban Canadians can have safe streets, quality health care, a strong economy, access to post-secondary education, parks and museums, affordable housing, pensions and income support for families. It is also a major land owner and employer in urban centres.

The Task Force on Urban Issues will consult with citizens, experts and other orders of government to explore how we can work more collaboratively, within our federal jurisdiction, to strengthen quality of life in our large urban centres.

The Task Force will place a special emphasis on:

The Task Force will deliver an interim report by April 2002 and a final report by December 2002.

Members of the Prime Minister’s Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues:

Chair: Judy Sgro, MP (York West)
Vice Chair: Bernard Patry, MP (Pierrefonds-Dollard)
Vice Chair: Senator Tommy Banks (Alberta)

Reg Alcock, MP, (Winnipeg South)
Carole-Marie Allard, MP, (Laval Est)
Mauril Bélanger, MP, (Ottawa-Vanier)
Senator Thelma Chalifoux, (Alberta)
Stephen Owen, MP, (Vancouver-Quadra) Geoff Regan, MP,(Halifax West)
Andy Savoy, MP, (Tobique-Mactaquac)
Hélène Scherrer, MP, (Louis Hébert)
Allan Tonks, MP, (York South-Weston)
Bryon Wilfert, MP, (Oak Ridges)

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