To the First Sitting of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut

April 1, 1999
Iqaluit, Nunavut

On behalf of the people of Canada, I am honoured by your invitation to address the first ever meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut.

And I want to begin by congratulating the Honourable Paul Okalik for having won the confidence of his colleagues during the recent election. It is a great privilege to serve as leader. It is both a serious responsibility and an incredible opportunity. To shape the direction of a government and build the future of a people.

Each and every member of this honourable Assembly deserves equal praise and recognition. You will go down in history as the first Government of Nunavut. In you, the people of Nunavut have invested their faith and trust. An investment that is never made lightly. But never more so than when a people takes the first steps into a whole new future.

I have never lost sight of that basic truth about elected office, through 36 years of public life. Whatever the position. Whatever the title -- even if it is Prime Minister of Canada -- our job is about people. About being worthy of their confidence. About placing their hopes and dreams above everything else. About working night and day to make those dreams come true.

Governing is a very different business from getting elected. I learned that lesson soon after I arrived on Parliament Hill. The thrill of victory is quickly replaced by the awesome amount of work that must be done.

As Nunavut takes flight, you are dealing with immense challenges. Whether it is educating your fast-growing population, alleviating poverty and social breakdown, or building the capacity within your own government to address these challenges, you have your work cut out for you. Work that will require patience, creativity and tremendous energy to resolve.

Fortunately, the people of Nunavut are blessed with these qualities in abundance. Your new Government leader and Cabinet are fine cases in point.

You have the added advantage of being able to draw the best from both worlds. Traditional Inuit teachings and values that have been passed down through the ages, and a modern government structure with access to state of the art technologies. Unlike in years past, the North of today is no longer hostage to geography or climate. It is very much a part of the wired world. With equal access to the opportunities for growth and development that it presents.

I have no doubt that you will find the solutions that you seek. That you will build on these strengths. Focus your agenda on what can be achieved. And set your sights on what matters the most to your people.

I want to assure you of the Government of Canada's ongoing commitment to being an active partner in your work and ensuring a smooth passage to the new millennium.

I also want to remind you that your contributions to Canadian society will extend beyond the boundaries of this new territory. Your insights and ideas will be welcomed as we address national priorities. Your unique Northern perspective, and your consensus approach, will be valuable as governments throughout Canada work together for the common good.

Just as the kudlik has served as a beacon of hope and illumination for your people, your presence on the national scene will shed new light on how we can build a stronger country.

Nunavut is an acknowledgment that there is strength in diversity. That government works best when it is close to the people. That we will only move forward as a nation when we all move forward together.

As someone with a life-long love of the North, and an abiding commitment to advancing the interests of Northern people, the launch of the Government of Nunavut is a very gratifying moment in both my personal and political life.

Indeed, among my proudest achievements as Minister of Indian Affairs was helping to create the first fully elected legislature in the Northwest Territories. A milestone on the road to Nunavut.

I have high hopes and expectations of the men and women in this auditorium. I am confident that, by building on your rich Inuit heritage, remaining true to the people who elected you and embracing the support and encouragement of all Canadians, Nunavut will be a great success.

I look forward to watching your Nunavut dream become a reality in the days and years ahead.

And I will look for your Inukshuk as you lead the way.


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