Prime Minister congratulates Department of National Defence on charitable campaign and sends holiday greetings to troops

December 15, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario


Prime Minister Paul Martin today visited National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa to congratulate members of the Canadian Forces and the Defence Department’s civilian employees on the contribution of more than $1 million to the Government of Canada’s annual Workplace Charity Campaign (GCWCC).

“With their generosity of spirit, the men and women of National Defence and the Canadian Forces are a source of pride to all Canadians,” the Prime Minister stated. “This generosity of spirit is reflected every time the Forces deploy overseas, respond to a crisis, and fight fires, floods, and ice storms. It is also evident in the success of this year’s Workplace Charity Campaign.”

In this year’s Campaign, National Defence’s employees and members of the Canadian Forces together raised more than $2.5 million nationally to support charities and others in need of specialized services. In the National Capital Region alone, the Department of National Defence raised more than $1 million – a record for the organization.

Government of Canada employees have contributed to annual fundraising campaigns since 1945. It is expected that the 2003 campaign will raise more than $24 million nationally. One in three persons directly benefits from the GCWCC.

The Canadian Forces are currently active in 12 missions across the world – with more than 3,400 Army, Navy and Air Forces members deployed in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, supported in selected areas by civilians.

The Prime Minister also sent holiday wishes to all those serving abroad and encouraged Canadians to do likewise.

“During this Holiday Season, I invite all Canadians to visit the National Defence website and join me in sending a postcard to our soldiers posted in Afghanistan, Bosnia, the Middle East, Africa and Asia,” he said. “I believe it is important for us to show our military and their civilian counterparts that we are proud of their contribution to Canada and the world, and recognize and value the sacrifices they are making, away from their loved ones.”

To post an electronic message to our troops, visit



In the National Capital Region (NCR), federal government employees have contributed to annual fundraising campaigns since 1945. In 1997, the Treasury Board of Canada expanded the campaign to enable donors to support any Canadian registered charity of their choice, under the new name: Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC).

In the NCR, the GCWCC brings together the three recipient organizations, Centraide Outaouais, Healthpartners and United Way/Centraide Ottawa, in a coordinated fundraising effort.

The 2003 GCWCC was held in the National Capital Region in 98 Government of Canada departments and agencies, and in 81 communities across the country.

The National Capital Region team raised a total of $13,633,298 million, surpassing last year's record of $12.1 million.

An important fundraiser, the GCWCC provides more than 46 percent of the annual funds raised for United Way/Centraide Ottawa, 56 percent of Centraide Outaouais's funds, and represents more than 80 percent of the annual donations for Healthpartners, providing support to 1 in 3 person in the community.

The GCWCC is co-managed by Centraide Outaouais and United Way/Centraide Ottawa, on behalf of the Treasury Board of Canada.

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