Prime Minister to participate in special Summit of the Americas in Monterrey Mexico

Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced that he will attend the Special Summit of the Americas taking place from January 12 to 13, 2004 in Monterrey, Mexico. This will be the fourth occasion on which leaders from the 34 democracies in the hemisphere will come together to discuss the economic, social and political challenges facing the region.

January 08, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario


Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced that he will attend the Special Summit of the Americas taking place from January 12 to 13, 2004 in Monterrey, Mexico. This will be the fourth occasion on which leaders from the 34 democracies in the hemisphere will come together to discuss the economic, social and political challenges facing the region.

“The Summit of the Americas process has initiated important reforms and cooperation in a variety of areas that make a difference to all people of the Americas,” said the Prime Minister. “Good government, social safety nets and open markets are indispensable steps to strengthen democracy, create prosperity and realize human potential throughout the hemisphere.”

The Summits of the Americas process has reshaped the inter-American agenda in recent years and intensified international cooperation. At the Quebec City Summit of the Americas hosted by Canada in April, 2001 leaders made a series of commitments resulting in the Quebec City Declaration and Plan of Action.

One of the most important commitments of the Quebec City Summit was the “Democracy Clause”, which states that respect for democracy is a necessary condition for participation in the Summit process. It was complemented by an equally important initiative - the creation of Inter-American Democratic Charter to reinforce the active defence of democracy in the hemisphere. The Charter was adopted in Lima, Peru, on September 11, 2001 and has since guided governments and the hemisphere in facing challenges to democracy. Together, the Democracy Clause and the Democratic Charter form the basis for further cooperation by countries of the Americas.

The Special Summit will focus on three main themes: economic growth with equity for reducing poverty; social development; and democratic governance. Attention will be given to making progress on poverty reduction, improving conditions for setting up businesses and creating greater economic opportunities. Social development discussions will focus on issues related to health (in particular the HIV/AIDS pandemic), education, the rights of indigenous peoples, labour standards and income and social inequality. The theme of democratic governance explores the importance of modernizing government and public administration to make it more effective, increasing accountability and transparency, combatting corruption, and strengthening credibility and public trust in democratic institutions. The impact of threats to security, including human security and counter-terrorism cooperation will also be addressed.

The Summit will set the groundwork for the Fourth Summit of the Americas, to be held in Argentina in 2005.

Prime Minister Martin will be accompanied by the Honourable Bill Graham, Minister of Foreign Affairs. While in Mexico, Prime Minister Martin will also meet with President Vicente Fox. Together they will mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Canada.

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