Prime Minister sets out his agenda for the Special Summit of the Americas

Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced plans to discuss Canada’s role in the Americas and ways to improve Canada-U.S. relations as he participates in the Summit of the Americas in Monterrey, Mexico this week.

January 11, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario


Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced plans to discuss Canada’s role in the Americas and ways to improve Canada-U.S. relations as he participates in the Summit of the Americas in Monterrey, Mexico this week.

The Summit brings together heads of state and government leaders representing the Americas January 12 & 13 to tackle issues related to economic growth with equity, social development and democratic governance.

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“This will be my first international forum as Prime Minister, and I’m looking forward to engaging my colleagues throughout the Americas in tackling the economic, the social and the political challenges facing many countries in the Western Hemisphere,” the Prime Minister said.

“I believe that Canada has a leading role to play in these areas, and I intend to bring that message to this Summit.

“When I meet with U.S. President George Bush, we’ll have an important discussion of our mutual priorities and our shared goals.

“It is fundamental that we start the process of building the positive relationships we need to tackle some very tough issues, such as re-opening the border to Canadian beef, restoring normal trade in softwood lumber, and respecting the Canadian passport.

“We’ll also discuss strengthening security at our shared border, while continuing to exploit opportunities to enhance the smooth flow of Canada-U.S. trade. A healthy relationship is critically important to both nations.” he said.

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