Prime Minister announces new Ministry

On July 20, 2004, Prime Minister Paul Martin announced a new Cabinet designed to deliver on the priorities critical to Canada’s continued prosperity and success.

July 20, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced a new Cabinet designed to deliver on the priorities critical to Canada’s continued prosperity and success.

“On June 28th Canadians told us that they expect more from our government and we have been guided by that message in building this new Cabinet,” said Prime Minister Martin. “Drawing on the experience of veteran ministers who have retained their responsibilities and the talents of new Ministers, we are determined to deliver tangible progress on those issues that matter most to Canadians and upon which we campaigned.”

The Prime Minister also emphasized the role that Parliamentary Secretaries will play in supporting the government’s agenda in the House of Commons and the Senate.

“Given the minority situation, Parliamentary Secretaries will more than ever play a critical role as a vital two-way link between Ministers and Parliamentarians from all political parties, in helping to advance the government’s legislative priorities in a constructive and responsible manner,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister indicated that very few changes were made to the structure or machinery of government so that attention can be focused on legislative and policy priorities. Among the few changes made were:

Finally, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to departing Ministers for their contribution made to public service in Canada, including:

A list of the full Ministry according to precedence, the amended Cabinet committee membership list and biographical notes of Ministers, Ministers of State and Parliamentary Secretaries are attached.

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