Government of Canada appoints first Chief Public Health Officer to head Public Health Agency of Canada

September 24, 2004
Winnepeg, Manitoba

Delivering on a commitment to help protect the health and safety of
Canadians, Prime Minister Paul Martin today launched the new Public Health
Agency of Canada and announced the appointment of the country’s first-ever Chief
Public Health Officer (CPHO).

Dr. David Butler-Jones, based in Winnipeg, will head the Agency,
providing leadership in the government’s efforts to keep Canadians healthy and
ensuring Canada is prepared in the event another serious infectious disease hits
our shores.

“Today's announcement is another step in ensuring we have the best
possible system for ensuring the health and safety of Canadians. Canada's Chief
Public Health Officer must demonstrate clear leadership, not only in times of
emergency, but also in helping Canadians stay healthy and out of the hospital,”
said Prime Minister Martin. “Dr. Butler-Jones has the qualities and expertise
to launch our Public Health Agency and to make it a success.”

At the recent First Ministers’ Meeting, the Prime Minister and the
Premiers signed a 10-year action plan that will lead to better health care for
all Canadians. Improving the public health system in Canada is key to ensuring
the sustainability of the health care system. The creation of the Public Health
Agency reinforces the commitments the First Ministers made in the 10-year plan.

“The Public Health Agency is an integral part of our government's plan
to protect and enhance the health of Canadians,” said Health Minister Ujjal
Dosanjh. “The fact that this announcement comes so soon after striking the 10
year health care accord is another sign of the high priority that the Prime
Minister and the government attach to health care reform. I am delighted that a
person of Dr. Butler-Jones's quality and experience has agreed to serve as the

Dr. David Butler-Jones brings to the position an extensive background in
public health. He has most recently served as the Medical Health Officer for Sun
Country Health Region and Consulting Medical Officer for the Saskatoon Health
Region in Saskatchewan. From 1995 to 2002, he was the Chief Medical Officer of
Health for the Province of Saskatchewan.

Dr. Butler-Jones was a member of the National Advisory Committee on SARS
and Public Health chaired by Dr. David Naylor. The creation of the Agency and
this appointment were key recommendations found in the Committee’s report,
Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada.

“I am pleased and proud to accept this appointment and look forward to
working closely with the Minister of Health, the Minister of State for Public
Health and the Medical Officers of Health from every province and territory to
design an effective, coordinated public health system that serves our citizens.
By coordinating our efforts, we will have a much greater impact on the health
status of Canadians,” said Dr. Butler-Jones.

Focussed on more effective efforts to prevent chronic diseases, like
cancer and heart disease, prevent injuries and respond to public health
emergencies and infectious disease outbreaks, the Public Health Agency of Canada
will work closely with the provinces and territories to keep Canadians healthy
and help reduce pressures on the health care system.

Minister of State Dr. Carolyn Bennett emphasized the importance of this
broad mandate. “We know from experience that we have to be prepared to respond
to new public health threats. At the same time, over two-thirds of all deaths in
Canada result from four types of chronic diseases. By targeting the causes of
these diseases, we can greatly improve the health of Canadians and help to
reduce the demand on the health care system,” she said.

The Agency will have offices, management, staff and expertise all across
Canada and will work with a network of specialized centres across the country to
address specific public health issues in Canada. Winnipeg, the location of
Canada’s only Level 4 microbiology lab for human health, will become the home of
the International Centre for Infectious Diseases (ICID) and it is expected to be
a world leader in research, training, commercialization and innovation in
addressing the threat and impacts of infectious diseases.

“I am pleased that the base of research expertise in Manitoba will
contribute to the growing network of knowledge nationally and internationally
and frame positive improvements in our public health system,” said the President
of the Treasury Board and Minister Responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board, Reg

Through Budget 2004, the Government of Canada committed $665 million in
initial funding to strengthen Canada’s public health system. This includes $100
million for increased front-line public health capacity, $300 million to support
new vaccine programs and $100 million for improved surveillance systems.
Funding of $165 million over two years was also committed for other federal
public health initiatives, such as strengthening preparedness against infectious diseases, creating emergency response teams, replenishing the national emergency stockpile system, investing in federal laboratories and surveillance systems and establishing the six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health. Funding for the Agency also includes the $404 million budget being transferred from the Population and Public Health Branch of Health Canada which forms the backbone of
the Agency.

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Dr. David Butler-Jones, Canada’s first Chief Medical Officer of Health, will
head up the newly created Public Health Agency of Canada, providing leadership
on the government’s efforts to protect the health and safety of Canadians. Dr.
Butler-Jones brings to the position an extensive background in public health and
has most recently served as the Medical Health Officer for Sun Country Health
Region and Consulting Medical Officer for the Saskatoon Health Region in
Saskatchewan. He is also an Associate Clinical Professor with the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan and has taught at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels.

Throughout his career, Dr. Butler-Jones has been an advocate for public health
in Canada and around the world. Dr. Butler-Jones was a vocal supporter of the
recommendations included in Dr. David Naylor’s report, Learning from SARS:
Renewal of Public Health in Canada and, as the past-president of the Canadian
Public Health Association, gave his public support to the creation of a national
health agency and the appointment of a Chief Public Health Officer.

From 1995 to 2002, Dr. Butler-Jones was Chief Medical Health Officer for the
Province of Saskatchewan and Executive Director of the Population Health and
Primary Health Services Branch for the province. He has worked in many parts of
Canada and has experience with consultations and work exchanges in places as
diverse as the Dominican Republic, Turkey, Scotland, Brazil, Kosovo, and Chile.

Dr. Butler-Jones was a member of the National Advisory Committee on SARS and
Public Health chaired by Dr. David Naylor. The creation of the Agency and this
appointment were key recommendations found in the Committee’s report, Learning
from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada. He is currently a member of the
National Climate Change and Health Assessment Committee and the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Advisory Board for the Institute of
Population and Public Health.

In the past, Dr. Butler-Jones has served as:

  • President, Canadian Public Health Association and current Executive
    Board member
  • Vice President, American Public Health Association
  • Chair, Canadian Roundtable on Climate Change and Health 2000
  • International Regent, American College of Preventive Medicine
  • Member, Governing Council for the Canadian Population Health Initiative
  • Chair, National Coalition on Enhancing Preventive Practices of Health
  • Co-chair of the Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century

    Dr. Butler-Jones, until the past year, was involved in clinical work, including
    a part-time academic clinical teaching practice in the Department of Family
    Medicine, University of Saskatchewan in Regina. His research activities have
    included Co-Principal Investigator for the Saskatchewan Population Health and
    Dynamics Survey, Co-Principal Investigator for the Heart Health Dissemination
    Research Program, and Principal Investigator for a Cooperative Agreement
    (adverse effects of marketed drugs) with the United States Food and Drug

    Dr. Butler-Jones trained at the University of Toronto and Queen's University. He
    is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, a Fellow of the American College
    of Preventive Medicine and a Certificant of the College of Family Physicians of
    Canada. He is married to a United Church Minister and they have three children.

    * * *


    Strengthening its ability to protect the health and safety of Canadians, the
    Government of Canada has delivered on its commitment to establish a new Public
    Health Agency of Canada and appoint a Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. The
    creation of the Public Health Agency of Canada marks the beginning of a new
    approach to federal leadership and collaboration with provinces and territories
    on public health and responds to a consensus from the provinces, public health
    experts and concerned citizens on the need for federal leadership on public
    health to be consolidated in a public agency.

    Focussed on more effective efforts to prevent chronic diseases, like cancer and
    heart disease, prevent injuries and respond to public health emergencies and
    infectious disease outbreaks, the Public Health Agency of Canada will work
    closely with provinces and territories to keep Canadians healthy and help reduce
    pressures on the health care system.

    Renewed Focus on Public Health

    Unprecedented global travel and international trade mean that new and
    re-emerging infectious diseases are just a plane ride away. Poor diet, lack of
    exercise and related environmental factors also mean that Canadians are more
    vulnerable than ever to chronic diseases and injuries.

    In this context, public heath is more important than ever and is a key part of
    any overall health strategy - an excellent health care system is simply not
    enough. Unlike health care, which focuses on the individual, public health
    targets the entire population by identifying threats to the health of Canadians
    and developing programs and initiatives to address these threats and keep
    Canadians healthy.

    Public health includes activities like immunization, nutrition and physical
    activity programs, infection control measures in hospitals, along with the
    detection, lab testing and regulations that support these activities.

    Role of the Public Health Agency of Canada

    Led by the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, the Public Health Agency of
    Canada will play a major role in a Canadian network of expertise and research in
    public health. It will coordinate federal efforts in identifying and reducing
    public health risks and threats and support national readiness to respond to
    health crises.

    Public health has always been a key component of Health Canada’s mandate to
    maintain and improve the health of Canadians. Now, public health strategies will
    be supported by a new level of coordination and collaboration that includes
    governments, academia, researchers and non-governmental organizations through
    the creation of the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Pan-Canadian Public
    Health Network and the six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health.

    The Agency will act as a hub for health surveillance, threat identification and
    disease prevention and control programs to create a more effective, coordinated
    Canadian public health system that serves Canadians well – no matter what the
    health risk or where they live. Working with the provinces and territories, the
    Public Health Agency of Canada will support Canadians in their efforts to live
    healthier lives.

    The Public Health Agency will also work closely with other government
    departments and agencies on long-term strategies to confront both infectious and
    chronic disease and injury prevention and with Public Security and Emergency
    Preparedness Canada on emergency planning, preparedness, and response to
    national public health emergencies.

    On the international stage, the Agency will serve as a focal point for sharing
    Canada’s expertise with the rest of the world and for applying international
    research and development to Canadian public health programs and policies. It
    will play a leadership role with global partners, such as the World Health
    Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and new
    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control as well as other public
    health agencies.

    The creation of the Agency is the result of wide consultation with the
    provinces, territories, non-government stakeholders and Canadians. It also
    follows recommendations from leading public health experts – including Dr. David
    Naylor’s report, Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada, as well
    as other Canadian and international reports – for clear federal leadership on
    issues concerning public health and improved collaboration within and between

    * * *


    Chief Public Health Officer of Canada /Public Health Agency of Canada

    Q.1 Why an Agency?
    A.1 The Public Health Agency of Canada was created in response to growing
    concerns about the capacity of Canada’s public health system to anticipate and
    respond effectively to public health threats. Its creation is the result of wide
    consultation with the provinces, territories, stakeholders and Canadians. It
    also follows recommendations from leading public health experts – including Dr.
    David Naylor’s report, Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada,
    as well as other Canadian and international reports – for clear federal
    leadership on issues concerning public health and improved collaboration within
    and between jurisdictions.

    The Agency and the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada will provide a
    clear focal point for federal leadership and accountability in managing public
    health emergencies.

    Q.2 How is the Agency different from what Health Canada does now?
    A.2 Canada is part of a global community - recent experiences with
    infectious disease outbreaks, as well as both national and international reports
    on health care - have made it clear that, in this environment, a new model that
    supports a rapid response to public health threats and greater national
    collaboration on health issues is required. Moreover, chronic diseases are the
    leading cause of death and disability for Canadians. Coordinated action among
    federal, provincial and territorial governments is necessary to get ahead of
    these preventable diseases.

    As part of the health portfolio, the Agency will be focussed on
    emergency preparedness and response, infectious and chronic disease prevention
    and control, and injury prevention, supported by a collaborative, national
    network. This new focus and collaborative model ensures these particular areas
    have the attention they now demand.

    Q.3 With this change in structure, what is Health Canada’s role?
    A.3 The Agency will be focussed on emergency preparedness and response,
    infectious and chronic disease prevention and control, and injury prevention and
    promoting good health, supported by a collaborative, pan-Canadian network.
    Health Canada continues to provide national leadership to develop health policy
    and enforce health regulations and is also responsible for the administration of
    the Canada Health Act. In the areas of disease prevention and healthy living,
    Health Canada will work closely with the Public Health Agency to adapt these
    programs to the needs of First Nations and Inuit communities as part of its
    responsibility to ensure that health services are available and accessible to

    Q.4 How will the Agency be structured?
    A.4 The Agency will be part of the public service and will be headed by the
    Chief Public Health Officer of Canada who will report to the Minister of Health.
    Health Canada will also report to the Minister of Health. Although separate,
    both will be members of the health portfolio and will work together to improve
    and protect the health of Canadians.

    Q.5 What are the advantages of the new Agency?
    A.5 The main advantages of the Agency are the focus and prominence it brings
    to the health issues that are of importance to Canadians and specifically
    ensuring that Canada has a public health system prepared to anticipate and
    respond to public health threats. Having a CPHO in place ensures there is clear
    federal leadership in the event of a public health emergency. Canadians made it
    clear that this was something they wanted to see following the SARS outbreak.
    The CPHO will also provide advice on public health issues directly to the
    Minister of Health and Minister of State for Public Health.

    Q.6 Where will the Agency be headquarted?
    A.6 The Public Health Agency will have two pillars, one in Winnipeg and one
    in Ottawa, along with management, staff and expertise all across Canada.

    Q.7 Will the CPHO sit in Ottawa or Winnipeg?
    A.7 The CPHO will be headquartered in Winnipeg but will have an office in
    Ottawa and will also have access to regional offices across the country.

    Q.8 How many employees will work for the Agency? Will new staff be hired?
    A.8 Initially, the new Agency will incorporate staff and programs of Health
    Canada’s Population and Public Health Branch, including its over 1,500 staff.
    Enhancements to public health programming in the coming months will require
    additional human resources but the CPHO will need time to establish where things
    are at.

    Q.9 What will be the first priority for the Agency and the newly appointed
    Chief Public Health Officer?
    A.9 Initially, key priorities will be to build a national presence for the
    Agency and to work with provinces and territories to design an effective,
    coordinated public health system that serves Canadians. The Chief Public Health
    Officer will play a leadership role in this regard. He will meet with provincial
    and territorial representatives and key public health partners, both nationally
    and internationally.

    Q.10 Will funding be provided for new resources and initiatives to address
    gaps identified in the public health system?
    A.10 In Budget 2004, the Government of Canada committed $665 million in
    initial funding to strengthen Canada’s public health system. This includes $100
    million for increased front-line public health capacity, $300 million to support
    new vaccine programs and $100 million for improved surveillance systems. This
    year’s budget also committed $165 million over the next two years to take
    immediate steps to address gaps in the public health system and help create the
    new Agency. These funds will be enhance programs in six areas to:

  • upgrade the readiness of the public health system to respond to
    crises and threats;
  • enhance public health surveillance systems to more effectively
    monitor and respond to diseases and public health risks;
  • expand Canada’s laboratory capacity, with additional resources
    for Canada’s three federal public health laboratories;
  • enhance programming for First Nations and Inuit public health;
  • support the creation of the Agency; and
  • establish six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health
    across the country to build on regional expertise in specific areas of public

    Q.11 Who has been consulted on the design of this new Agency?
    A.11 The creation of the Agency is the result of wide consultation with the
    provinces, territories, stakeholders and Canadians. The blueprint for building
    the new Public Health Agency came from the reports issued by the National
    Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health, chaired by Dr. David Naylor, and
    by the Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology,
    chaired by Senator Michael Kirby. Both committees based their recommendations on
    input from public health experts and concerned Canadians.

    A working group responsible for developing options for the Agency
    convened an informal group of independent experts to provide advice. They
    consulted with senior provincial and territorial health officials. In addition,
    the Minister of State for Public Health conducted more than 30 consultations on
    the Agency with federal, provincial and territorial public health officials,
    parliamentarians and public health stakeholders from across the country, and she
    established a public website to enable interested Canadians to share their views
    on the initiative. The working group took account of the results of these
    deliberations and inputs.

    Q.12 How will the new Agency report to the Canadian public on its progress?
    A.12 The Minister of Health will publish a report that will be tabled in

    Q.13 How will this new Agency work with the provinces and territories to
    effectively manage public health in Canada?
    A.13 Planning for the establishment of a new Pan-Canadian Public Health
    Network is currently underway. The Network is expected to serve as a key
    mechanism for collaboration on public health and to facilitate national
    approaches to public health policy and planning. The network will bring together
    public health experts and officials from all jurisdictions to address public
    health issues. The Agency will also work with a network of six National
    Collaborating Centres for Public Health to foster linkages among provinces,
    territories, academia and non-governmental organizations.

    Q.14 What is the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network?
    A.14 This federal, provincial, and territorial network will serve as a key
    mechanism for collaboration on public health and will facilitate national
    approaches to public health policy and planning.

    Q.15 What is the mandate / role and responsibilities of the new Chief Public
    Health Officer of Canada?
    A.15 The CPHO’s responsibilities will be to:

  • Provide leadership of the new Public Health Agency.
  • Provide advice to Ministers and, as appropriate, work
    with other federal departments and agencies, provincial/territorial governments,
    the international community, the public health community and Canadians on public
    health issues.
  • Assume the role of the federal government spokesperson
    on public health issues, in particular, during public health emergencies.
  • Play a leadership/advocacy role in national public
    health matters and citizen engagement in public health.

    Q.16 In what way do the National Collaborating Centres add value to the
    public health system in Canada?
    A.16 The National Collaborating Centres for Public Health will provide
    national focal points for key priority areas in public health, building on
    established regional expertise. They will accelerate the development and
    implementation in public health practice of new research findings and best
    practices. Six Centres have been identified:

  • National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health
  • National Collaborating Centre for Public Policy and Risk Assessment
  • National Collaborating Centre for
    Infrastructure, Info-Structure and New Tools Development
  • The National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases
  • The National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
  • The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health

    Q.17 What is the status of the National Collaborating Centres?
    A.17 Planning for the establishment of the centres is currently underway in
    close collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and regional

    Q.18 When will the National Collaborating Centres be established?
    A.18 Discussions have started with the respective partners for each Centre on
    how best to structure operations and activities. We want to make sure that we
    have a structure in place that makes it easy for all partners to work together
    effectively on public health issues.

    Q.19 Does the Agency parallel the design/mandate/roles and responsibilities
    of the U.S. Centres for Disease Control?
    A.19 There are similarities but the Agency will be unique, building on Health
    Canada’s strong track record in the field of health promotion. Like the CDC, the
    Agency will serve as a clear focal point for leadership and accountability on
    national public health matters within their respective jurisdictions and address
    similar public health concerns.

    Q.20 What is the accountability of the new position to Parliament/what
    oversight will Parliament provide to this new Agency?
    A.20 The Minister of Health will report to Parliament on the Agency’s activities.

    Q.21 What is public health?
    A.21 Public health is made up of a range of efforts to keep people healthy
    and out of the hospital. It includes activities like immunization, healthy
    eating and physical activity programs, infection control measures in hospitals,
    along with the detection, lab testing and regulation that supports these
    activities. By helping keep Canadians healthy, public health can relieve some of
    the pressure on the health care system.

    Q.22 Hasn’t Health Canada been focussed on public health? What’s different
    about the strategy now?
    A.22 Public health has always been a key component of Health Canada’s mandate
    to maintain and improve the health of Canadians.

    The creation of the Public Health Agency of Canada and other key
    components of a renewed public health system will build on this work to foster
    greater collaboration and coordination. The main advantages of the Agency are
    the focus and prominence it brings to health issues that are of importance to
    Canadians and specifically ensuring that Canada has a public health system
    prepared to anticipate and respond to public health threats.

    Q.23 Won’t it take years to realize any benefits from public health
    interventions? What are you doing for Canadians in the short-term?
    A.23 Public health plays an important role in helping Canadians modify their
    risk of developing or acquiring a disease or sustaining injuries. When
    activities aimed at preventing diseases and helping people improve their overall
    health target key risk factors, such as smoking or poor diet, people can see
    significant changes to their health in the short run (3-5 years). For instance,
    help with diet and physical activity has been shown to be more effective than
    medication in preventing people who are showing early signs of diabetes from
    actually developing the disease. Public health also helps people living with
    disease or the impact of injury by preventing their conditions from becoming
    worse. For example, raising awareness of how to manage a disease like hepatitis
    C can improve one’s quality of life immediately.

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