Statement by Prime Minister Paul Martin

September 07, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin issued the following statement today on learning of the death of former Prime Minister of Dominica Mary Eugenia Charles:

"I wish to extend Canada’s sympathies to the Charles family and the people of Dominica on the passing of Dame Mary Eugenia Charles. The Caribbean’s first female prime minister, Ms. Charles was instrumental in her country’s efforts to free itself from colonial rule. This exceptional woman led Dominica for 15 years, introducing programs in her country aimed at economic reform.

"The ‘Iron Lady of the Caribbean,’ as she became known, had a personal tie to Canada. She graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in law. Her interest in Canada continued after she left office, as she studied our country as well as the European Union and the United States at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, in Washington, D.C."

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