Statement by the Prime Minister on the Death of the President of Kosovo

January 21, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin today issued the following statement regarding the death of the President of Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova:

"On behalf of all Canadians, I wish to express my deep sympathy and condolences to all Kosovars on the occasion of the death of President Ibrahim Rugova. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.

"Canada commends the political courage of President Rugova in fighting for the democratic rights of Kosovars, as well as his moderating role in seeking peace for Kosovo and the region.

"His death comes at a crucial moment, as negotiations begin on the future political status of Kosovo. President Rugova worked hard for these negotiations and played a central role in instigating them. President Rugova’s spirit of conciliation and compromise must now inspire all Kosovars as they work to build a stable and multi-ethnic society where all can live in peace in security, regardless of ethnic background, race or religion."

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