Deputy Prime Minister Announces the Creation of the Advisory Council on National Security

OTTAWA, August 12, 2005   - The Honourable Anne McLellan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, today announced the appointments of members of the Advisory Council on National Security. The Council will work with the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister to provide advice to the Deputy Prime Minister and the Cabinet Committee on Security, Public Health and Emergencies on national security issues.

“The Government of Canada will benefit from the advice of external experts in evaluating and improving our security system,” said Minister McLellan. “We are pleased that so many individuals with relevant knowledge and experience have offered their services to Canada and Canadians.”

The commitment to appoint an Advisory Council on National Security was made last year when the Government released Canada ’s National Security Policy. Securing an Open Society: Canada’s National Security Policy also included a commitment to establish a Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security, whose membership was announced in February 2005.

Individuals appointed to the Advisory Council were selected for their expertise and experience on such diverse matters as intelligence, law and policy, human rights and civil liberties, emergency planning and management, public health emergencies, public safety, transportation security, border security and international security.

The Honourable Leo Kolber will serve as Chair of the Advisory Council. Other members are

Profiles of Advisory Council members are attached. The Advisory Council’s Terms of Reference and Selection Criteria can be found at

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For more information:

Alex Swann  
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (613) 991-2863

François Jubinville
Privy Council Office

(613) 957-5072


Advisory Council on National Security – Biographies

The Honourable Leo Kolber, Chair of the Advisory Council, is a lawyer and businessman by profession, as well as the 2003 recipient of the Award of Merit from B’nai Brith Canada . An expert in law and policy, he served in the Senate from 1983 to 2004, during which time he became a long-standing member and Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce. For almost 30 years, Mr. Kolber was President of CEMP Investments, the business arm of the trusts established by the late Sam Bronfman. Senator Kolber has served on many corporate boards and is involved in community, social, cultural and philanthropic activities.

Dr. Rachad Antonius is a professor with the Department of Sociology at the Université du Québec à Montréal.  An expert on racism and human rights, he is a regular commentator on Middle East politics for CBC, Radio-Canada, and other major Canadian television networks.  He recently addressed the judges of the Human Rights Tribunal of Quebec concerning racism and contributed to Foreign Affairs Canada’s symposium on human rights and democracy promotion in a context of terrorism.

Dr. Sami Aoun is a full professor with the University of Sherbrooke ’s Department of History and Political Science. An analyst of political violence discourse and international security issues, he appears regularly on both Canadian (Radio-Canada and RDI) and foreign media networks as a commentator on the situation in the Middle East and on Canadian foreign policy issues. Dr. Aoun is the Director of Research ( Middle East ) for the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies at the Université du Québec à Montréal.

The Honourable Perrin Beatty is President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters and the Chair of the Coalition for a Secure and Trade-Efficient Border. He is an expert on both trade and security issues, with extensive experience in both government and the private sector. Mr. Beatty has served Canada in the past in several Cabinet portfolios, including Secretary of State for External Affairs, Minister of National Defence, Minister of National Revenue and Solicitor General.

Dr. David Bercuson is Director of the University of Calgary ’s Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. An expert on Canadian foreign and defence issues, he is also Director of Programs of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute and a regular columnist for Legion Magazine. Between 1997 and 2003, Dr. Bercuson was a member of the Minister of National Defence’s Monitoring Committee on Change in the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence.

Mr. James Bertram is Director of Public Safety for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority. An expert on public safety and aviation security issues, he is also Chair of the Canadian Airports Council Security Committee. Between 1988 and 1997, Mr. Bertram was the Deputy Chief of Police for the Peel Regional Police Force; as part of his larger responsibilities, he coordinated a three-tier government committee to design, build and implement a multi-agency emergency service involving police, fire and ambulance personnel.

Dr. David Charters is a professor of Military History at the University of New Brunswick and former director of the university’s Centre for Conflict Studies. An expert on defence, national and international security issues, Professor Charters has taught, researched and published extensively in the field of low-intensity conflict studies, with a particular focus on terrorism, intelligence and military operations.

Mr. John Dalzell is Vice-President, Risk Management, for the Canadian National (CN) Railway Company. An expert on transportation security and public safety issues, he is also a member of both the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and the Executive Security Working Group of the American Association of Railroads. Between 1997 and 1999, Mr. Dalzell was Chief of CN Police, and from 1990 to 1997, he was Assistant Director of the Montreal Urban Community Police Service.

Dr. Pierre Duplessis is Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Red Cross Society and has significant experience in managing crises at the national and international levels. An expert in public health and emergency planning and management, he is also Vice-President of the Coordinating Committee of Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies. Dr. Duplessis is a physician and a former public health practitioner who has also taught and published at McGill University and the Université de Montréal.

Mr. Brian Flemming completed his term as Chair of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) on March 31, 2005 .  An expert in transportation security, he helped set up CATSA and was its initial Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Flemming is a former senior partner at Stewart, McKelvey, Stirling and Scales, where he practised both maritime and corporate law. Mr. Flemming has also taught courses on international and maritime law at Dalhousie University.

Mr. Norman Inkster is President of Inkster Group and a partner at Gowlings Consulting Incorporated, where his practice is focused on advising private sector companies on addressing issues of risk in the aftermath of 9/11. Prior to assuming his current duties, he was an advisor to the Government of Ontario on security matters. An expert in public safety, Mr. Inkster was formerly the President of Interpol and the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Mr. James Clifford Mackay is President and CEO of the Air Transport Association of Canada. An expert on aviation security issues, he is also a former chair and director of the Air Transport Security Corporation. Prior to assuming his current responsibilities, Mr. Mackay served as President of the Inverness Group (1997), a company specializing in providing strategic and business advice and analysis to aerospace and defence companies. He has also held several other senior executive positions in the private (aerospace) and public sectors.

Dr. Lindsay Nicolle is a professor in the departments of Internal Medicine and Medical Microbiology at the University of Manitoba and a consultant in adult infectious diseases at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.  She has served as a consultant for both federal and provincial health departments.  An expert in infectious diseases, she is Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology and a member of Health Canada’s Advisory Committee on Chemical, Biological and Radio-Nuclear Safety, Security and Research.

Mr. Bud Streeter is Vice-President and Operations Manager, Great Lakes and Atlantic Canada, for Lloyd’s Register North America Inc. Before taking on his present responsibilities, he was the Director General for Marine Safety at Transport Canada . An expert in transportation (maritime) security, Mr. Streeter has also held senior positions with Marine Atlantic, Inc. and with the Canadian Coast Guard.

Dr. Wesley Wark is a professor of History and International Relations at the University of Toronto . An expert in security and intelligence issues, he serves as a frequent writer and commentator on security issues for Canadian and international media.  Dr. Wark’s most recent academic publications include an edited volume on the future of intelligence and a special issue of the International Journal devoted to security and terrorism. He is the President of the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies.

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