Advisory Council on National Security
Selection Criteria


Expressions of interest are invited from those wishing to serve on the new Advisory Council on National Security.  The mandate of the Council is to provide confidential expert advice to the Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Security, Public Health and Emergencies on: 

The Government will select up to 15 individuals to serve on the Council, which will meet two to four times a year.  


The membership of the Council should reflect a diversity of individuals, expertise and experience and include demonstrated expertise relevant to national security issues among the following areas: intelligence, law and policy, human rights and civil liberties, emergency planning and management, public health emergencies, public safety, transportation security, border security and international security. 

Other Considerations  

Those interested in serving on the Council may be subject to a pre-appointment background security check, and if required, may have to undergo a security clearance process. 

 Those selected to serve on the Council will be: 

Documents and Deadline

To be considered, individuals must submit before the deadline: 

Please print or type all information. Original signatures are required. 

Completed applications must be received by October 31, 2004 in order to be considered. Only those being considered further will be contacted. All documents must be sent by mail or fax to: 

Security and Intelligence Secretariat
Privy Council Office 
Attention of: Secretariat, Advisory Council on National Security

59 Sparks Street
, Room 310
Ottawa, K1A 0A3
Tel:  613-957-5279
Fax: 613-957-5277 

Advisory Council on National Security
Application Form  

Last Name: ______________________________________ 

First Name and Middle Initials: _______________________ 

Telephone Number(s): 

(___)_____________ (                    

(___)_____________ (                     

(___)_____________ (                      

Fax Number: (___)________________ 

E-mail address: __________________________________ 

Mailing Address: 






Area(s) of Expertise:  




I __________________________ declare that the above and attached information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 

Signature: _______________________   Date: ____________ 

Pre-Appointment Background Check 

Potential Members will be subject to a pre-appointment background check and may have to undergo a security clearance process. 

Privacy Act Statement

The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Government of Canada and is protected by the provisions of the Privacy Act in institutions, which are subject to the Privacy Act.

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