The Public Sector of the
Government of Canada

In order to understand the reforms that are under way in the public sector, we need to have a good understanding of the public sector of the Government of Canada as it is today.

Diversity of the public sector

There is great diversity in the public sector

There is great diversity in the public sector. Today the public sector of the Government of Canada is composed of 24 departments; 37 Crown corporations; 26 tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies; and at least 48 service agencies of different types. Each organization exists for a purpose, and has its own role and its own culture.

Each type of organization is best suited to perform certain types of work. They differ from one another by their management regimes, the degree of flexibility granted to managers, and the nature of the accountability framework for ministers and employees.

A minister oversees a family, or portfolio, of independent but related organizations

The public sector of the Government of Canada today provides the equivalent of 370,000 full-time jobs of which less than half, about 170,000, are in departments. Each organization reports to a minister and through the minister to Parliament. A minister, therefore, oversees a family, or portfolio, of independent but related organizations. Generally a minister oversees

These models are part of the current reality of the public sector of the Government of Canada. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, and each is undergoing change. In the past, as in the future, one model did not and will not fit all.

More diversity is likely to emerge

Over the coming years, it is a fair assumption that more diversity (not less) is likely to emerge as the government experiments with

The challenge is to encourage experimentation, but to guide it in a manner that is respectful of the basic values and principles of the public sector, that maintains the necessary accountability of ministers, and that ensures appropriate parliamentary oversight.

Core functions of the public sector

Last year's report discussed the core functions of the public sector at some length. These are

Now that the fundamental role of the Government of Canada has been largely redefined, it is time to look at how the public sector can best carry out its dual role of delivering services to citizens in today's society and providing policy support to government and ministers. Chapter IV will report progress made since last year on improving service delivery. Chapter V discusses strengthening policy capacity.


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