Annex C
Ongoing Work in Government
- Treasury Board Secretariats (TBS) Modernization of Comptrollership
initiative identified the need for a sound risk management approach within the context of
management reforms. The TBS has since established a policy centre to strengthen risk
management, as directed by Treasury Board Ministers.
TBS has examined best practices in risk management in the federal government and other
jurisdictions, and prepared a discussion paper on the interplay of risk, innovation and
values. This work:
- highlights the importance of leadership at senior levels and confirmed the need to
develop a government-wide management of risk framework, tools, capacity and a centre of
expertise; and,
- shows that risk management in the federal government is current with public and private
sector experience and practices world-wide (pockets of excellence, infancy of full
integration in business planning).
In strengthening risk management, TBS has initiated:
- preparation of a strategic overview of risk management in the public service to respond
to the widespread need for information and clarification on the different federal
initiatives on risk management and their interrelation;
- development of a management of risk policy framework for government-wide use to cover a
wide spectrum of risks, to more broadly employ successful practices and lessons learned
from areas such as science and health and safety.
- Privy Council Offices (PCO) Regulatory Affairs Directorate is leading an
initiative to achieve coherent and cohesive implementation of the precautionary approach
with particular regard to federal domestic and international laws, policies and treaties
in areas where science is implicated. The objectives of this initiative are:
- to develop a policy paper setting out the federal position on use of the precautionary
approach for use in federal areas of responsibility, in international negotiations and for
integration into the broader process of risk management; and,
- to assist departments in developing, in consultation with their stakeholders, guidelines
for the application of the precautionary approach in their particular area of
- A large component of risk management hinges on science capacity and the effective
use of science advice in government policy-making. In this respect there are two groups
exploring relevant concepts:
- The Council of Science and Technology Advisors (CSTA), an external expert panel
on federal science and technology (S&T) issues requiring strategic attention,
developed a set of principles for use of science advice in government decision-making and
highlighted the need for risk management, including guidelines for departments to enable
consistency in approach. A second phase of their work will focus on the roles of the
federal government in S&T and the ability to fulfil those roles.
- An ad-hoc Committee of S&T ADMs has been working to develop a policy
framework concerning the contribution and impact of S&T on wealth creation and the
precautionary principle, as well as an analysis of the S&T capacity required to
support these mandates.
- Through its research program, the Canadian Centre for Management Development has
established a roundtable on risk management, intending to explore best practices and
guidelines for government departments.
- With the support of the Treasury Board Secretariat, the Department of Justice is
leading an inter-departmental legal risk management review, as part of an effort to
develop a more strategic and forward-looking approach across government to managing actual
and potential civil litigation.
- In particular, Justice Canada is implementing an initiative to identify and manage
so-called "high impact" litigation. This is litigation that, if lost, or in some
cases won, is likely to have significant consequences for government policy or finances,
federal/provincial relations, or public confidence in the government or in the courts.
This Project is working out ways to involve senior officials early in identifying high
impact cases, in ascertaining the strategic implications of such cases, and in developing
concrete plans to manage this litigation proactively.
- Natural Resources Canada is using a policy development initiative concerning
off-shore minerals management as a "pilot project" to explore and test risk
analysis, risk management and risk communications models, in terms of policy content and
public consultation process. In addition, a comprehensive set of policy instruments will
likely be required for the management regime and therefore an opportunity exists to
develop some experience with instrument choice issues.