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External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation (EACSR)

What We've Heard
 * Submissions

A Public Opinion Perspective on Regulation

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Appendix B

Views on Changes to Federal Role

Throughout the federal election campaign, there was a lot of talk about making changes in a number of areas of federal government activity. Do you think there should be a major increase, a minor increase, no real change, a minor decrease, or a major decrease in the amount of government regulation of business?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 19 - FALL 1984

Product Testing

Some say government should test all products to ensure safety, before they are sold. Others say it would be too costly, products should be tested by gov't when the product may be unsafe. Still others say while all products should be tested, the govt's role is to set standards and ensure testing is done by the producers of the product. Of these three points of view, which one best reflects your own? Gov't should test all products to ensure safety; products should be tested by gov't only if reason to believe the product may be unsafe; All products should be tested, government's role should be to set standards with testing done by producers.

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 37 - Spring 1989

The Courts and Parliament:.Who Decides?

When Parliament passes a law but the Supreme Court of Canada says it is unconstitutional on the grounds that it conflicts with the Charter of Rights, who should have the final say, Parliament or the Supreme Court?

bar chart
* Data from 1987 (Charter Project) and 1999 (IRPP) reported in Joseph F. Fletcher and Paul Howe, "Canadian Attitudes Toward the Charter and the Courts in Comparative Perspective," Choices Vol. 6, No. 3 (May 2000). The question wording for these years was slightly different.

Government Seen as Inefficient

When something is run by the (state or government), it is usually inefficient and wasteful.

bar chart
Source: Global Attitudes, 2002

But it Benefits People

Generally, the (state or government) is run for the benefit of the people.

bar chart
Source: Global Attitudes, 2002

Support for Democratizing International Organizations

Wave 2: Which of the three following statements most closely reflects your own view of how international institutions should work? issues of international economic policy are highly technical and require sensitive negotiations - these things are .best left to our governments; although these issues are best left to governments, it is important that they do more of their work in public so that .the media and citizens can know what is going on and hold them accountable for their decisions; non-governmental organizations and representatives of the general public should be present during negotiations and have a big say in the outcome
Wave 1 question: Which of the following statements is closer to your own view: a. International trade agreements are so complicated that ordinary citizens should trust government officials to negotiate them; Although government officials should negotiate trade agreements, it is important that they consult the public and keep them well-informed; International trade agreements are so important that ordinary citizens should actually have a big say in the negotiation of these agreements.

bar chart
Source: CROP. August 2001.

Border Security Versus International Trade

And still thinking about the Canada-US border, which of the following two goals should be the most important for the Canadian and American governments? (a) Making sure that the products we trade can move easily across the Canadian-American border; or (b) Making sure that border security is improved to help keep undesirable people out of Canada and the United States?

bar chart
Source: CROP. April 2002.

Big Business & Competition

Canada must support and build our own big business if we want to compete successfully in the global economy.

bar chart
Source: Ontario This Month, Navigator, May 2003

Regulation & Corporate Motivation

For each of the following, please tell me if you feel each plays a large part, a small part, or no part at all in motivating companies to tell consumers about their corporate environmental efforts: Fear of government regulation.

pie chart
Source: Environics Environmental Monitor, October 1990

Awareness of Voluntary Efforts

Are you aware of any voluntary efforts by companies producing and distributing chemicals to improve safety standards at the different stages of the chemical life-cycle, that is, efforts that go beyond what they are required to do by regulation?

bar chart
Source: Environics Environmental Monitor

Reducing Private Sector Regulation

Thinking about Canada today, please tell me if you would rate the following objectives as very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important. Reducing government regulation of private business?

pie chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1985

Regulating Different Sectors

Some Canadian businesses and industries are regulated by the government. In each of the following cases, please tell me if you think there is too much, just enough or not enough government control.

bar chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1984

Views on System Oversight

Here is a list of basic industries in Canada. Under which system do you think each of these industries should operate?

bar chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1982

Outcome of Deregulation - Views

Do you think deregulation of transportation industries would lead to higher or lower…?

bar chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1987

U.S. Style De-regulation?

In the United States, there has been a lot of talk recently about deregulating business -- that is, reducing government regulation of how a business must operate. Would you favour or oppose similar action in Canada?

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 6, 11 (Fall 1982), 15 (Fall 1983), 18 (Summer 1984), 22 (Summer 1985), 26 (Summer 1986)

Regulation & Provincial Governments

And how about your provincial government? Would you say it is doing a very good, good, fair, poor, or a very poor job of ensuring the quality, safety and value of products and services sold to consumers?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 37 (Spring 1989)

Role of Government & Prices

On the whole, do you think it definitely should be, probably should be, probably should not be, or definitely should not be government's responsibility to...decide the amount companies are allowed to charge for their products?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 30 (Summer 1987)

Deregulation & Prices

Do you think that prices or costs for the average consumer would increase, decrease, or not change very much as a result of the deregulation of Canadian business and industry?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 18 (Summer 1984)

Regulation & Safety

As you know, business and industry in Canada are regulated by government in a number of different areas. Do you think government is doing too much, about the right amount, or too little in making sure products and services are priced fairly?

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 18 (Summer 1984), 26 (Summer 1986), 35 (Fall 1988)

Deregulation & Consumers

And, who do you think will benefit the most from deregulation of financial institutions...individual consumers, business customers, the financial institutions themselves, will they all benefit the same, or will no one really benefit?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 18 (Summer 1984)

Regulation & Pollution

As you know, business and industry in Canada are regulated by government in a number of different areas. Do you think government is doing too much, about the right amount, or too little in keeping the environment clean and free from pollution?

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 18 (Summer 1984), 26 (Summer 1986), 35 (Fall 1988)

Government & Consumer Safety

On the whole, do you think it definitely should be, probably should be,probably should not be, or definitely should not be government's responsibility to...protect consumers from unsafe products?

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 30 (Summer 1987)

Regulation & Warning Labels

I'd like you to tell me how you personally feel about this statement by giving me a number between -5 and +5, where -5 means you totally disagree with the statement, and +5 means you totally agree with the statement. Many people's opinions fall somewhat in between these two points depending on how they feel about the statement. The statement is...People tend not to pay attention to warning labels, so stricter controls should be placed on the use of unsafe products.

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 26 (Summer 1986)

Deregulating Telephone Industry

The telephone industry could also be deregulated. In this industry, deregulation would mean that new companies would be allowed to offer certain kinds of telephone services, like long distance, and would cause changes in the way prices for telephone services are determined. Generally speaking, would you strongly favour, favour, oppose, or strongly oppose deregulation of the telephone industry?

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 18 (Summer 1984), 22 (Summer 1985)

What is "Reasonable"?

As you may know, there are a number of things governments can require individuals to do in order to protect the environment. I'd like to read you a list of some of these and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether or not you personally think that it is very reasonable, somewhat reasonable, somewhat unreasonable or very unreasonable for government to…?

bar chart

What is "Unreasonable"?

As you may know, there are a number of things governments can require individuals to do in order to protect the environment. I'd like to read you a list of some of these and for each one I'd like you to tell me whether or not you personally think that it is very reasonable, somewhat reasonable, somewhat unreasonable or very unreasonable for government to…?

bar chart

Perceived Regulatory Needs

In what areas of human or industrial activity do governments most need to bring in stronger environmental laws and regulation?

bar chart
Source: Environics Environmental Monitor, 1995 and 1999

Canada-US Military Relations

July 2002: The United States recently announced the creation of a new military command structure - called NORTHCOM - to look after the security of all of North America. It is expected that Canada will be asked to join NORTHCOM, which would mean that the Canadian armed forces would work more closely with those of the US. Which of the following statements about NORTHCOM is closer to your own view: (Note: split sample.)

bar chart

Canada's Ties with the U.S.

Do you think Canada should have much closer ties to the U.S., somewhat closer, about the same as now, somewhat more distant or much more distant ties to the US than it has now?
Centre for Research and Information on Canada

bar chart

Which is the Bigger Challenge for Canada?

Which of the following do you think will be the biggest challenge for Canada in the years to come? Is it keeping Canada united - that is responding to regional concerns and to Quebec nationalism, or keeping Canada independent - that is maintaining control over its economy, social policy and culture in the face of the challenge of globalization?

bar chart
CRIC, 2001.

Priorities for Trade Negotiations

When the Canadian government enters into negotiations with other countries about the regulation of the global economy, how high a priority should each of the following things be for Canada? On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means "NO PRIORITY AT ALL" and 7 the "HIGHEST PRIORITY", tell me how high a priority each of the following should be:

bar chart
Mendelsohn, Roberts, Wolfe. Law Commission of Canada. CROP. August 2001.

Support for Ceding Sovereignty

A. International institutions like the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (B: World Bank and International Monetary Fund) are separate, but they often work together on common challenges. Which of the two following statements more closely reflects your own view: I think it would make sense if these institutions got together in a more formal way if this would make them more.efficient and allow them to better deal with international crises; or I think that more formal linkages between these institutions would move us closer to "world government", and make it more difficult to ensure that democratic procedures are respected and that citizens can figure out what is going on.
C. Which of the two following statements more closely reflects your own view? If international institutions can do something more effectively than national governments, then I think they should do it; or regardless of whether international institutions could be more effective, there are many policy areas that the Canadian government should NEVER turn over to an international institution.

bar chart
Mendelsohn, Roberts, Wolfe. Law Commission of Canada. CROP. August 2001.

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Last Modified:  8/30/2004

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