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A Public Opinion Perspective on Regulation

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Tables & Charts

Views on Amount of Regulation

Do you think there is too much, too little or about the right amount of government regulation of business and industry?

bar chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1987, 1990, 1996

Deregulation & the Public Interest

In your opinion, if private enterprise and business were less regulated by government, do you think companies would work less in the people's best interests or more in the people's best interests?

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly

Strict or Flexible Enforcement?

Given the current economic recession, some people say that we must be more flexible in enforcing environmental regulations on industries so that they have a chance to recover economically. Other people say that no matter what the current state of the economy, there must be strict environmental regulation of industry as part of a structural change in the way companies do business. Which one of these two points of view are you most in agreement with?

bar chart
Source: Environics Environmental Monitor

Emission Regulation

Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels could be causing changes to our climate. Some people say that governments should bring in strict regulations on both companies and individuals to limit carbon dioxide emissions. Other people say that companies and individuals should be told of this possible danger and given the chance to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions on a voluntary basis. Which of these points of view is closest to your own?

pie chart
Source: Environics Environmental Monitor, 1995

Regulating Financial Institutions

Please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements... Financial Institutions are special businesses that need to be run and regulated in an especially prudent manner

pie chart
Source: Ipsos-Reid, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Public Opinion Survey
(September 1999)

Packaging Regulation

Some people say that governments need to impose tougher regulations on the packaging industry, including banning certain types of environmentally harmful packaging, or making them very expensive in order to discourage their use. Other people say there is no need for new packaging legislation since the packaging industry has already voluntarily made a lot of progress in reducing harmful packaging and has committed itself to further targets. Which of these points of view is closest to your own?

pei chart
Source: Environics Environmental Monitor, 1995

Protecting the Environment

I am going to read a series of statements. For each one please tell me if you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly: there is not enough government regulation to protect the environment from toxic materials, such as chemical wastes, used in industry.

bar chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1981, 1983

Telecommunications Sector

As you may be aware, the telecommunications industry is regulated mainly by the federal government. Some people say that if there is competition in telephone service, there will be no need for government regulation since quality of service, prices and profits will be controlled by the marketplace. Others say that even with competition, government regulation will be needed to control quality of services, prices and profits. Which of these two points of view best reflects your own?

pie chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 1994

Need for the CRTC

As you may know, the CRTC is an agency that regulates broadcasting and telephone services on behalf of the Canadian government. On balance, do you think that there is a great deal of need, some need, not very much need, or no need at all for the CRTC in Canada today?

bar chart
Source: Broadcasting Issues and Canadian Public Opinion: An Ipsos-Reid Survey for the Friends of Canadian Broadcasting

Electricity Sector

I am going to read you a list of proposals related to energy policy in Canada. Please tell me whether you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose each of the following. How about...? De-regulation of the electricity marketplace in Canada?

pie chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, 2001
n = 1208

Regulation and Business Oversight

Governments have gone too far in allowing companies to operate with minimal regulation and oversight.

Source: Ontario This Month, Navigator, May 2003

Value Change (III)
Confidence in Leaders (1983 - 2002)

Figures Show Results for "A Lot / Some Confidence" or "A Great / Some Confidence"

1983-1995: Can you tell me if you have a lot of confidence, some confidence, little confidence or no confidence at all in the following persons or organizations...political leaders; religious leaders; business leaders.
2002: Can you tell me if you have a great deal of confidence, some, not very much, or no confidence at all in each of the following: political leaders; religious leaders; business leaders.

line chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, CRIC

Confidence in Leaders (1983 - 2002).

Figures Show Results for "A Lot" or "A Great Deal of Confidence"

1983-1995: Can you tell me if you have a lot of confidence, some confidence, little confidence or no confidence at all in the following persons or organizations...political leaders; religious leaders; business leaders.
2002: Can you tell me if you have a great deal of confidence, some, not very much, or no confidence at all in each of the following: political leaders; religious leaders; business leaders.

line chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada / Canadian Opinion Research Archive, Queen's University.

Confidence in Leaders (By Age Group)

Can you tell me if you have a great deal of confidence, some, not very much, or no confidence at all in each of the following:

  1. Political leaders,
  2. Business Leaders,
  3. Religious leaders,
  4. Military leaders,
  5. Leaders of environmental groups,
  6. Leaders of groups that protest against free trade and globalization?

Source: CRIC Portraits of Canada 2002

Government & Consumer Protection

In general, do you feel that government regulation of businesses and service providers increases, decreases or makes no difference to the amount of protection consumers have in Canada?

pie chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, Dec 2001 / Jan 2002

The Impact of Government: Responses by Age Group

These days, what kind of impact do you think governments have on most people's lives- a positive impact, a negative impact, or don't governments have much impact on most people's lives?

bar chart
Source: CRIC Portraits of Canada 2002

Private and Public Interests

ALL companies ALWAYS put their private interests ahead of the public interest.

bar chart
Source: Ontario This Month, Navigator, May 2003

Better Enforcement First

In your opinion, is it more important for government to be introducing new environmental protection legislation or to do a better job of enforcing existing environmental protection legislation?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 42 (Summer 1990)

Views on Nature of Regulation

The best way for government to regulate business and industry is by establishing goals and providing incentives, instead of developing detailed rules and regulations.

bar chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 18 - Summer 84

Support for Removing Internal Trade Barriers

I am going to read a list of some things that provincial governments sometimes do. For each, please tell me whether you think provincial governments should do it or not. If you have no opinion about the issue, just say so. In your opinion, should provincial governments give preferential treatment to farmers from their own province by requiring large grocery stores to buy certain products only from these farmers (37%), or should all Canadian farmers have equal access to all grocery stores in Canada (53%)? (DK: 9%)
In your opinion, should provincial governments give preferential treatment to companies from their own province by making some government contracts open only to these companies (35%), or should all government contracts be open to all Canadian companies (53%)? (DK: 12%)
Provincial governments sometimes go to businesses in other provinces and offer them incentives, such as tax breaks, to move to their own province. In your opinion, do you think provincial governments should continue to do this (34%), or do you think such practices are unjustified (48%)? (DK: 18%)
In your opinion, should provincial governments sometimes require workers in certain industries to have special certification from the provincial government, thereby restricting the access of workers from other provinces to those industries (27%), or should Canadian workers face no such restrictions anywhere in the country (61%)? (DK: 12%)
In your opinion, should provincial governments require Canadians moving from another province to live in the province a certain length of time, say three months, before they can get access to certain services from the provincial government (22%), or should all Canadians have access to services regardless of how long they've lived in the province (70%)? (DK: 9%)
Thinking about all the issues we have just discussed, do you strongly support (27%), somewhat support (41%), somewhat oppose (12%), or strongly oppose (6%) reducing economic barriers between the Canadian provinces? (DK: 14%)

Source: CRIC and CROP, 1999

Division of Powers: Work Separately or Together?

Thinking about how governments make decisions, which of the following do you think would be best for Canada? Is it: (a) the federal government should have the final say on some things, the provincial governments on others, and they should both stay out of each other's way; or (b) both levels of government should work most things out together?

bar chart
Source: Cutler/Mendelsohn; CRIC, 2000

Made in Canada Standards

Environmental regulations or standards have economic, social, and health impacts. Some people say that Canada should set environmental standards that are comparable to those of our major trading partners so that Canada is not at a competitive disadvantage. Others think that we should be less concerned about what is done in other countries and establish our own standards that protect the health and safety of Canadians and their environment. Which view is closer to your own?

pie chart
Source: Environics Focus Canada, Dec 2001 / Jan 2002

Canadian/American Harmonization

There has been some discussion lately about Canada making some of its social and economic policies more similar to those of the US. Some people say this is a good idea because it would remove barriers to trade and create closer economic ties between the two countries. Other people say it is a bad idea because it would mean a loss of Canadian independence. Do you think Canada should or should not make its policies more like American policies in each of the following policy areas?

bar chart
Source: CRIC, July 2002

Canada and US: A Common Currency?

Do you think it would be a very good, somewhat good, not very good, or not at all a good idea for Canada to use the U.S. dollar as its currency?

bar chart
Centre for Research and Information on Canada

Common Values?

October 2002: Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements: a) Canadians and Americans basically have the same values.

bar chart

Evolution in Support for Trade Liberali


line chart

Q1. Do you agree that there should be free trade between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico?

Q2. As you may know, the federal government is preparing for freer trade negotiations between Canada, the United States and Mexico that would eliminate tariffs and significantly reduce trade barriers on goods and services flowing between the three countries. Generally speaking, would you support entering into a three-way trade agreement with the United States and Mexico? (Decima) As you may know, Canada, the US, and Mexico have entered into a three-way free trade agreement. Generally speaking do you...
(Goldfarb) - (Decima 1993 1994, all other years, Goldfarb).

Q3. As you may know, Canada has decided to join free trade negotiations that have started between the United States and Mexico. Do you agree that there should be free trade between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico? (slight change in wording after agreement completed) (Environics). How do you feel about Canada being in NAFTA - that is, the North American Free Trade Agreement - with the United States and Mexico
(Ipsos-Reid) - (Ipsos-Reid 1999 2001, all other years, Environics).

Labour Mobility

Currently, Canada and the United States enjoy free trade for goods and services, but not for labour. Do you strongly favour, favour, oppose or strongly oppose the two countries adopting free trade for labour, meaning that workers could move freely between the two countries in search of employment?

bar chart
Source: CRIC, October 2002.

Common Border Security Policy

Some people say that Canada and the United States should adopt a common border security policy and follow the same set of rules when deciding who can or cannot enter either country. Which of the following statements is closest to your view?

(a) A common border-security policy is a good idea because it will increase the security of both countries; or

(b) A common border-security policy is a bad idea because Canada will have to give the United States [the United States will have to give Canada] some say in our border-security policy.

bar chart
Source: CRIC, April 2002.

Domestic Values and Foreign Scenarios

Treatment A:
Sometimes Canadian companies violate the environmental or labour laws of other countries when working abroad. Which of the two following statements more closely reflects your own view: the Canadian government should withhold government contracts from Canadian corporations that violate laws in other countries; or it is none of the Canadian government's business what Canadian companies do in other countries.

Treatment B:
Sometimes Canadian companies violate Canadian values when working abroad. Which of the two following statements more closely reflects your own view: Canadian citizens who boycott or protest against these companies are doing the right thing; or, we should stay out of the internal affairs of other countries and let local governments decide how to deal with Canadian companies working in their countries.

bar chart
Source: CROP. August 2001.

Regulation & National Sovereignty

If A UNITED NATIONS AGENCY rules that a law passed by the Canadian government goes against one of the United Nations conventions that Canada has signed, who should have the final say? Is it...

If THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION rules that a law passed by the Canadian government goes against one of the United Nations conventions that Canada has signed, who should have the final say? Is it...

bar chartSource: CROP. August 2001.

Support for International Integration

A. Do you think that we need more international cooperation on each of the following issues?

B. For each of the following areas of policy, please indicate whether it should be decided by the Canadian government or whether it should be decided jointly by governments working together at international meetings?

C. For each of the following areas of policy, please tell me whether it should be decided by the Canadian government or whether it should be decided by international institutions?

bar chart
Mendelsohn, Roberts, Wolfe. Law Commission of Canada. CROP. August 2001

Deregulation & Consumers

As you may know, the laws governing financial institutions have recently been changed to allow one type of financial institution to own other types. Please tell me whether you think that this change will be a very good, good, bad or very bad thing for consumers?

pie chart
Source: Decima Quarterly 55 - Fall 1993

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Last Modified:  8/30/2004

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