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Some key documents, books and articles are listed below.

Barber, Benjamin. Democracy at Risk. Volume XV, No.2, Summer 1998.

Biggs, Margaret. Building Blocks for Canada’s New Social Union. Working Paper No. F02, Canadian Policy Research Networks, Inc. (1999).

Dror, Yehezkel. The Capacity to Govern: Advice to the Club of Rome published in Spanish (1994), German (1995), Latin American edition (1996), Portugese (1999), awaiting publication in English.

Emery, F. and Trist, E. The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments. Human Relations, 1965.

Kegan, Robert. In Over our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life. Harvard University Press, 1994.

Kretzmann, John P. and McKnight, John L. Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Towards Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets. The Asset-Based Community Development Institute (1993). Distributed Exclusively by ACTA Publications Chicago, Illinois 60640.

Metcalfe, Les. "Flexible Integration Before and after the Maastricht Treaty" Coping with Flexibility and Legitimacy after Amsterdam ed. Den Boer, Monica; Guggenbuhl, Allan; and Vanhoonacker, Sophie IBSN 90-6779-119-9, 1999.

O’Hara, Kathy with Sarah Cox. Securing the Social Union. Canadian Policy Research Networks, Inc. Study No. 2 1998.

________________________ Securing the Social Union: Next Steps. Canadian Policy Research Networks, Inc. No. 2 Nov 1997.

Paquet, Gilles. Governance Through Social Learning. University of Ottawa Press, 1999.

Peters, Suzanne. Exploring Canadian Values. CPRN Study No. F01,1995.

Rosell, Steven A. Renewing Governance. Oxford Press 1999.

Roseneau, James N. Governance in the Twenty-first Century Global Governance (1995), pp 13-43.

Yankelovich, Daniel. Eighteen Propositions for Citizen Engagement. (March 15, 1999).

Other Material

EKOS Research Associates Inc.,Ottawa Canada: Rethinking Government, 1999.

President of Treasury Board Canada: Report on Performance 1997-98 (1999).

Commonwealth Foundation and CIVICUS: Citizens and Governance: Civil Society in the New Millennium 1999.


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