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Discussions at 15 round tables with more than 160 people across Canada from all walks of life emphasized four things:

First, focus on informed participation and strengthening consent using concrete examples: empower communities; do things that reinforce trust and try to avoid things that diminish it; and model inclusiveness.

 Second, focus on learning (including from failures and from long term outcomes; and improving civic literacy). 

Third, walk the talk: put morality (including integrity) back at the center of politics and government (including politicians and bureaucrats); and do, and then announce afterwards. 

And finally, start where you are: work through the role of elected officials in this new world (e.g. see how they can be mirrors of Canadian values and can help the understanding of decision makers and of citizens), and get these ideas ‘out the door’ and onto Cabinet (all levels) and corporate tables across the country.


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