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November 26, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff, Percy Downe, issued the following statement today:

"To avoid continuing controversy, Françoise Ducros has decided to leave her position as Director of Communications in the Prime Minister’s office and accelerate by some weeks her planned return to the Public Service from which she had been seconded.

Jim Munson has agreed to serve on an interim basis as Director of Communications."

Attached is an exchange of correspondence between the Prime Minister and Madame Ducros.


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555



November 26, 2002


Prime Minister:

I have reflected over the weekend on the controversy over remarks made in Prague. It is very apparent to me that the controversy will make it impossible for me to do my job. I would therefore like to leave my position as Director of Communications immediately. I will seek to re-enter the Public Service.

I am grateful for the support you have given me during this difficult time. I cannot express what a great honour it has been to serve you and your Government.


[Original signed by

Françoise Ducros]




November 26, 2002



Dear Françoise,

I have read your letter of today and your decision to leave your position as Director of Communications and re-integrate into the Public Service a few weeks earlier than anticipated.

As you take your leave, you can be proud of the fact not only that you have filled one of the most senior positions ever held by a woman in a Prime Minister’s Office, but above all, of the exemplary manner in which you have carried out your duties. In your almost 4 years as Director of Communications, you have served the government as a whole, and me personally, with extraordinary skill and dedication. I have always placed the highest value on your advice and counsel. And I am, indeed, pleased that as a public servant you will continue to bring these fine qualities to the service of Canada and Canadians.

Aline joins me in wishing you and Ian continued success and happiness in the future.


[Original signed by the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien]



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