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Prime Minister opens New Canadian High Commission in Nigeria

November 10, 1999
Abuja, Nigeria

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today officially opened the new Canadian High Commission in Abuja, Nigeria.

"This opening signals a new chapter in Canada-Nigeria relations, said the Prime Minister. "A new beginning made possible by the collective will and determination of the people of Nigeria to be free. To strike out on new path for a new century. One of democracy, good governance, and respect for human rights. As Nigeria enters this new phase of her development, the new High Commission will greatly enhance Canada's ability to build new economic and political partnerships and support Nigeria's efforts to entrench democracy."

The Canadian High Commission has been moved from Lagos to Abuja, which has officially been the capital of Nigeria since 1991. The commission's offices will be part of a new building shared with the Australian High Commission.

Canada closed the High Commission in March 1997. It was reopened in November 1998 when the renewed democratic process that resulted in the May election of President Olusegun Obasanjo was well under way.

The Canadian High Commission will continue to maintain an office in Lagos, Nigeria's largest city and most important commercial centre, to provide trade development and consular services.


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