Government of Canada, Privy Council Office Canada
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November 8, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today issued the following message to mark Remembrance Day 2002:

"This year reminded us once again of the precious cost of freedom, a cost the brave men and women of our armed forces are always ready to pay. Proudly we watched our soldiers contribute to the international effort to combat terrorism. Sadly we mourned for those who did not return.

Remembrance Day is a day of reflection, pride, and hope. We look back with profound respect on the generations of Canadians who paid the ultimate price for our freedom on battlefields and amidst crises around the world. We are proud of Canada's readiness to defend democracy and our unwavering commitment to human rights and conflict resolution. And we hope always that the sacrifices of our brave men and women will lead to a world that is more peaceful and just.

Above all, Remembrance Day is about giving solemn thanks to those who risked everything so that we could continue to know the blessings of freedom. We thank them for their courage, their youth, and, in too many cases, their lives. As a people, Canadians owe them, their families and loved ones - a debt of gratitude we can never repay. But I know Canadians in small towns and cities across the nation will never forget that debt, and join me today in remembering and honouring these brave men and women, as we will always do, each November 11."

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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