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The Inauguration of José Marti International Airport Terminal 3

April 26, 1998
Havana, Cuba

Señor Presidente de La República, damas y caballeros, mesdames et messieurs, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First, let me say how pleased I am to be here. This is my first visit to Cuba and the first by a Canadian Prime Minister in over twenty years.

It comes at a promising time for both Canada and Cuba. This century and this millennium are nearing a close. The winds of change are blowing through our hemisphere and, indeed around the world. And we must all adapt.

Three months ago, Pope John Paul II paid a historic visit to your nation.

We in Canada followed the visit closely and welcomed and supported the call from the Holy Father for Cuba "to open itself to the world with all its magnificent possibilities" and for "the World to open itself to Cuba."

This has always been the view of Canada. That is why we are proud of the contacts between Canada and Cuba that date back to the 19th century. That is why we are proud that we have maintained active, unbroken diplomatic relations since 1945.

Recently we have entered into a phase of our relationship that I like to call "constructive engagement." Its framework is the joint declaration that our governments signed last year. It promotes discussions on a wide range of issues, such as universal human rights.

Mr. President, Canada is fully committed to all 14 of the points in that declaration and I look forward to discussing them with you in depth.

Above all, through this framework, through every facet of our constructive engagement, our aim is to build bridges of understanding and dialogue.

That is why it is so fitting that the first act of this visit is to inaugurate the new international wing of the José Marti International Airport. Because this new terminal is one of those bridges -- in both a symbolic and very real way.

Of course, the act of opening this splendid, modern building highlights important elements in Canada-Cuba relations: 163,000 Canadians visited Cuba last year. We appreciate the warm welcome Canadians receive from the Cuban people, and I am confident that these numbers will grow in the months and years ahead.

And of course, the vibrant, thriving commercial relationship between our countries. In building this terminal, Canadian and Cuban companies and workers have done an excellent job -- as we can see around us. And we salute them for it.

But even more important, this new terminal is, above all else, an expression of confidence in the increasing openness of Cuba to the wider world. To a global village that is becoming more and more interconnected. To a more dynamic, more democratic, more prosperous hemisphere... that is becoming a family -- una gran familia -- with shared goals, shared values, shared hopes and dreams.

We in Canada are rediscovering our connections with this family of the Americas. And we are committed to working to achieve greater social, economic, and political justice throughout the region.

As Prime Minister, I have made three official visits to Latin America and the Caribbean -- the other members of our hemispheric family. So, my visit to Cuba is long overdue.

Mr. President, through good times and bad, our two countries have always chosen dialogue over confrontation, engagement over isolation, exchange over estrangement. And we have always done this in an atmosphere of mutual respect for each other's independence and sovereignty.

I am proud of that example to the world.

Now, more than ever, as our countries -- and the world -- enter a new century of change and opportunity, that approach is more important than ever.

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