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Canada to participate in Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

November 23, 2005

Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced that the Speaker of the Senate of Canada, Dan Hays, will lead the Canadian delegation at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Valletta, Malta, being held from November 25 to 27, 2005.

The theme of this year’s meeting, chosen by the host country Malta is "Networking the Commonwealth for Development." The theme focuses on the need to improve traditional social and economic networks between nations that are key to development and quality of life, and also on understanding the important role of information and communications technologies in pursuing these ends. The theme addresses a principal challenge of developing countries, which make up the majority of the Commonwealth’s membership—that of bridging the digital divide between those who have access to these technologies and those who do not. Discussions at the meeting will also focus on a number of issues related to the networking-for-development theme, including security, international trade, the fight against poverty and immigration.

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting is held every two years to address political, economic and social issues, and collaborative international responses to them. Until 1971, all of the meetings were held in London, but since then they have been held in different member countries, with the head of government of the host country presiding. The last of these meetings was held in December 2003 in Abuja, Nigeria.

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