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Statement by the Prime Minister on the election of General Ray Henault to NATO post

November 17, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin today congratulated Canadian Forces Chief of Defence Staff, General Ray Henault, for his election to NATO's top military position - Chairman of the Military Committee. A vote was held earlier today by Chiefs of Defence from each of the 26 Alliance countries:

"General Henault's selection as Chairman is an indication of the esteem in which Canada, and its military leadership, is held among member nations and signals Canada's commitment to the organization.

General Henault will bring the same attributes of professionalism, commitment and dedication to the Chairman's position that he so clearly demonstrated in his three years as the Canadian Forces Chief of Defence Staff.

He will help an alliance of paramount importance to Canada and the world, and bring a Canadian perspective to NATO transformation and operational readiness as the organization continues to respond to the new security environment.

I wish General Henault much success as he assumes his duties next summer."

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