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Prime Minister salutes Governor General for her contribution and dedication to Canada

September 26, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Paul Martin made the following statement on the occasion of the completion of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson's term as Governor General:

"On behalf of all Canadians and the Government of Canada, I wish to thank Adrienne Clarkson for the outstanding contribution she has made to Canada as this country's 26th Governor General.

Her Excellency carried out the duties of the Governor General with great distinction and dedication, and in a way that deeply touched Canadians. Since taking office in 1999, she criss-crossed the land tirelessly, meeting Canadians in every corner of the country, however small or remote their communities, bringing them closer together in a shared understanding of our unity and our diversity.

During her mandate, she extolled excellence in the arts and brought recognition and support to Canada's artists and culture. Her understanding of Canada's North and its peoples was deep and ever-present. Before audiences at home and abroad, she communicated an idea of Canada by weaving together our history, regional diversity and the unique role played by immigration and the public good in the building of our society. She brought the office of the Governor General into the lives of Canadians with energy, passion and keen intellectual force.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces, she will be long remembered for her unwavering support to its members - reaching out to our men and women in uniform and to their families. She used every occasion to express her pride and appreciation for the special contribution and sacrifice the members of the Canadian Forces have made, and continue to make, to our country.

I also wish to take this opportunity to thank His Excellency John Ralston Saul for his tremendous contribution in support of the Governor General's work over the past 6 years, in particular in the fields of public education, bilingualism and the understanding of Canadian democracy and history.

Their Excellencies have served their country well. We wish them happiness and success in all their future endeavours."

Since the 1960s, the Government of Canada has honoured former Governors General by helping to ensure that they may continue to contribute to Canadian society in relation to the themes they pursued while in office. Examples of previous initiatives include the Vanier Institute of the Family, which celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2005; the Jeanne Sauvé Youth Foundation; and the Hnatyshyn Foundation for the Arts.

In recognition of Governor General Adrienne Clarkson's service to Canada, the Prime Minister announced that the Government will make a financial contribution to help establish the Institute for Canadian Citizenship. This new national, not-for-profit organization will initiate projects to foster discussion and understanding of the values associated with Canadian citizenship and help to bridge the gap between newly-arrived immigrant and fully engaged citizen. An initial grant of $3 million will assist the Institute in starting its operations. The Government will also match funds raised privately by the Institute over a 10-year period; up to $7 million will be made available in this fashion.

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