Government of Canada, Privy Council Office Canada
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Statement by the Prime Minister

December 27, 2005

Prime Minister Paul Martin today made the following statement:

“Like all Canadians, I was horrified by the Boxing Day shootings in Toronto. The taking of innocent young life is always an outrage, but doubly so when it occurs during a season which is dedicated to celebrating the joys of family and peace.

“Too often in recent months Toronto and other communities have been the scene of such senseless gun violence. What we saw yesterday is a stark reminder of the challenge that governments, police forces and communities face to ensure that Canadian cities do not descend into the kind of rampant gun violence we have seen elsewhere.

“Sheila joins me in extending our sincerest sympathies to all of the families who have been touched by this needless tragedy. To the grieving family whose young daughter has been taken, we extend, on behalf of all Canadians, our heartfelt condolences.”

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